Chapter 208 Ligma balls

Clayman is on the floor, his entire body twitching violently from the trauma it just received. He's barely conscious too. I'm not really surprised either.

His body is entirely drained of his lifeforce, gone way past the threshold.

Lifeforce is a regenerating resource, closely linked to stamina. Spiritual beings have a near-infinite source of it, but Clayman isn't a spiritual being. He would've been if he evolved into a True Demon Lord legitimately. Alas, he forced the evolution by burning all of his life force away, damaging his soul in the process.

His body won't live much longer, an hour or two more at most. His soul will probably disperse into nothingness within a year, and that's considering he even manages to find a new body to inhabit.

Still twitching on the floor, Clayman whimpers.

Clayman- "K… Kill me…"

Rimuru- "You're not a female knight trapped in a nest of orcs, don't say that."

It was a habitual response, one that garnered a few questionable looks from the others in the room.

Rimuru- "It's an inside joke…"

Milim, on the other hand, excitedly stands up, raising her hand high into the air with an expression you would find on a child visiting an amusement park for the first time.

Milim- "Me! Me me me me! Can I kill him nanoda!?"

Milim's actions would be incredibly cute if not for the gruesome context her words carried.

But still, I can't really let her kill him.

Rimuru- "Better not, this fucker can reincarnate."

I say while lazily pointing towards Clayman's still-twitching body.

I vaguely remember Clayman has the ability to carry his soul to different places once his body dies. It won't help with healing his soul in any way, but he can still cause havoc in the remaining year or so that his soul will continue to exist.

Plus, you know, I don't wanna bother hunting him down.

Illya- 'Onii-chan, can't you, like… prevent his soul from leaving?'

Rimuru- '…'

Illya- '… Onii-chan?'

Rimuru- 'Shhh… I know what I'm doing.'

I have no idea what I'm doing.

However, it seems Milim does.

Milim- "It's alright nanoda! I still have this!"

Saying that she flicks her right hand to the side. A flash of bright golden light appears around her wrist, quickly weakening into a soft glow.

Starting around her wrist, an object starts to appear. A familiar object.

A set of golden chains, around a meter or so in length, wrapped around her wrist while the rest just hangs off.

Just looking at the chains gives me a mystical, ancient feel.

Enkidu, the Chains of Heaven. Feels like I haven't seen it in ages… The last time I saw it was when I gave it to Milim after we unsealed the Chaos Dragon and salvaged Gaia's soul. Speaking of which, I wonder when Gaia's egg will finally hatch. It's been sitting on a pillow with a couch all to itself at home.

Rimuru- "You still have it?"

Milim- "Of course nanoda! My bestie gave it to me, after all!"

Milim proudly proclaims with her hands on her hips, her chest puffed out and her nose pointed towards the ceiling.

Ramiris- "Uhm, Rimuru, Milim… what is that?"

Ramiris' seemingly wary voice enters my ears, causing me to look at her confusedly. It seems even Milim is a bit confused at her tone of voice, although she also seems to have a vague idea why.

And it's not just her voice, her entire body language is emanating the same wariness towards the chains. It's pretty obvious, with her hiding behind Jarvis… again.

Rimuru- "That is Enkidu, they are chains that restrain and seal higher existences."

Milim- "Yup! Isn't it amazing nanoda? Rimuru made it!"

Milim shouts as she holds the chains above her head.

Milim's words cause shock to run through almost everyone in the room.

Luminous- "He made it…!?"

The maid-that-is-totally-not-a-Demon-Lord standing behind Roy Valentine mutters to herself in shock, reflecting the general inner thoughts of those shocked people.

I feel a bit prideful at this.

Yeah, I made that! Watch out before I start spamming Enkidu's on yo ass!

Ramiris- "Yeah, that's pretty cool, but… it's creepy."

Milim- "Eh!?"

More explanation from Ramiris lets me know why she is acting scared of the chains and why everyone, even Guy, is on edge against them. Although, Frey, Carrion, and some of the attendants didn't have as much of a reaction.

Apparently, the moment Milim revealed the chains, they felt vaguely scared of the chains, their instincts warning them to stay as far away from them as they can.

Surprisingly, even Mikoto confessed to feeling the same.

Rimuru- 'I guess it's Enkidu's Anti-Higher Existence property. It's mostly effective against spiritual beings which also include True Demon Lords, but not Demon Lord Seeds since they haven't ascended their physical bodies yet. At least, not as much.'

Illya- 'I wonder why you haven't reached this conclusion until now. You can be pretty ignorant at times, Onii-chan.'

Rimuru- 'Oh be quiet. If you want to act smart about it, why isn't Milim or I affected by it then?'

Illya- 'Weren't you the one who made it?'

Rimuru- '…'

Illya- 'Plus, you made the chains with Milim in mind, didn't you? It must have spared her from the wariness the others are feeling.'

… Oh.

Rimuru- 'You're so smart! As expected of my imouto!'

I continue to shower her in a rain of compliments in hopes that she will forget my little stupid moment.

Rimuru- "… So… Why did you bring out those chains again?"

Milim- "Mmm? Uhm… Oh! Right! Clayman!"

Oh yeah, she was going to use it on Clayman!

I turn to look at the spot Clayman was in before… only to find a shallow pool of blood.




Rimuru- "Did Clayman decompose into a puddle of blood!?"

Mikoto- "Seriously!?"

Illya- 'Clayman did what!?'

All three of us are panicking. I mean, this is out of all our expectations! Maybe he committed suicide and had his soul escape…

Shizu- "… ran away…"

Rimuru- "Eh? Nani?"

Shizu- "I said he ran away."

I look at Shizu who is sitting cross-legged on the floor in her human form, leaning back using her arms to prop her upper body up, an exhausted blonde fox lying on its back next to her.

Rimuru- "… He ran away?"

Shizu- "Umu. He was also screaming 'I'll get my revenge!' and things like that."

Milim- "Awwww…"

He ran away… Why am I unable to notice things like this…

Bruh momento.

Although I doubt it, there's a chance he'll get stronger and come back, which will end in a hard struggle which I will eventually win. It's how it usually goes in those fucking cultivation novels.


Illya- 'Don't worry Onii-chan. It's all according to plan...'

Rimuru- '… Weren't you also panicking along with the rest of us?'

Illya- 'Muuu…'

I feel Illya pout in my mind.


In any case, I turn to the little fox next to Shizu and write an anti-curse rune before flinging it over to it. This broke any curse Clayman had on it, so it no longer has to listen to that prick's orders.

I wonder what'll happen to him… Well, I'm sure Illya has something planned.

(Third Person POV)

Clayman- "*Ptui* I show dem… I'll show dem awl…! I will habe my webenge, one way or de oder…"

A heavily wounded Clayman spits out his last remaining tooth as he trudges through the giant pile of broken and shattered stone bricks that used to make up his once glorious castle.

Clayman- "But where da hewl is dis!? I don't wemember any wocation near my castle dat has dis much wubble and stone…"

Of course, he doesn't know that. He thinks it's just an area near his castle that happens to have lots of broken stone gathered into a very, VERY large pile. Furthermore, there's nothing to notify Clayman of this, no decoration, no furniture, nothing. It was all stolen.

Clayman- "Did my teweportation spwel backfire…?"

Clayman mutters to himself before his eyes catch sight of a shiny object. He stumbles over to it and takes a closer look.

It's a crystal ball.

The crystal ball lights up and a hologram of a blue man with blank eyes appears.

???- "It's so sad Steve Jobs died of ligma."

Clayman, absolutely confused, says the first thing on his mind.

Clayman- "Who da hewl is Steve Jobs!?"

???- "Ligma balls."


Clayman bursts into many particles before the wind blows them away.

And thus, Clayman died. Not just in his body, but his soul was destroyed as well.

May you rest in discomfort…


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: Honestly, that's probably a glorious way to die, tbh...

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!