Chapter 214 Babel Tower

Ramiris- "So, where's the dungeon gonna be?"

Ramiris asks while hovering next to me.

Currently, as of right now, Illya, Mikoto, Velophis, Milim, Ramiris and I are wandering around Avalon searching for the perfect spot for a dungeon.

Shizu stayed behind because, and I quote, she "had something to do".

As for where we're currently going…

Rimuru- "… I dunno."

I answer honestly.

I mean, I haven't really thought things through and I didn't make a specific spot for a giant fucking underground structure.

I mean, granted, Ramiris' skill lets her create a labyrinth that's placed in a separate dimension, you only need an entrance.

But this is going to be Avalon's main attraction (besides the meat buns)! Humans and other races from all over the world will travel to Avalon to descend into the dungeon.

I will not just create a door in some poor citizen's house and call it a day. I want to make a massive building that will awe any scrub who lays their eyes upon it!

And to do this, I need space to build it on.

Granted, I could shuffle around the buildings as I did with the magical airport, but I can't be bothered. I'll do it later if I can't think of anything.

Luckily, I won't have to.

Mikoto- "What about one of the parks?"

I stop walking and slowly turn my head towards her.

Rimuru- "… Genius."

Why didn't I think of that!?

There are lots of parks all around Avalon. Some of them have all sorts of playground fun like slides, see-saws, little forts to run around, poles to slide down, and things like that.

I don't give a shit about those parks, I'm thinking about the other kind.

I'm talking about the parks that are mostly empty plots of land with trees, benches, and a stone path to walk on.

You know, the scenic kind for old people.

Not only that, there's this specific park where it's just a chunk of forest. I'm not joking, it's literally a plot of land where no one ever cut down the trees from its time as a part of the Jura Forest.

Don't get me wrong, with magic to clean up any dead leaves and branches while also maintaining the place, it looks beautiful. But… it's easy to get lost in, as there are no paths. So it isn't really popular…

But it's a big plot of land, so it's perfect! The best part is, it's very close to the centre of the entire city!

We casually walk towards our destination after many stops for snacks.

Rimuru- "Right, you girls sit back and watch the show."

I roll up my sleeves and got to work.

First, get rid of all the trees.

I wave my hand and use [Azathoth] to teleport them all to a random spot around the world, planting them there. Of course, this was with Illya's support.

Clone Rimuru- "*In the distance* Fuuuuuuuuck…!"

A familiar voice enters my ears. Using [Universal Sense], I take a look at why he's screaming profanities and find a big tree in the place where his office used to be.




I meant to do that- *COUGH* I mean… whoops?

Right, back to work.

I stare at the now-empty plot of land that's around 40,000 meters squared in area, 200 meters for each dimension.

I smile.

Silver coloured magicules begin to flow like ribbons from my body, mainly my arms.

I lower my body, bending my knees. I lower my hands, my fingers tips touch the ground. I feel the slightly wet grass on my skin.

And I begin the construction of the building that will become known as the entrance to Avalon's world-famous (self-proclaimed) dungeon.

Rimuru- "Haap!"

With a shout, my magicules rush into the earth. From my fingers, the ground begins to crack and fissure, the radius slowly increasing as I force more and more magicules into the ground.

No, I didn't need to shout, it just seemed cool.

Illya- "Onii-chan, you are cringe."

Velophis- "Nn."

Ignoring those two, I continue working while a trail of blood leaks from my mouth due to emotional damage.

The ground starts shaking. At first, it's imperceptible, but its intensity slowly increases, becoming enough to feel it beneath your feet. Although, it's not enough to make you fall over.

Shame, I could've gotten a few good panty shots… well, Milim's choice of outfit is a constant panty shot…



From the ground, a massive structure breaks through the earth, sending dirt flying everywhere.

At first, it starts off small. But as more and more of the structure rushes out of the earth, its base becomes larger and larger.

Eventually, a whole minute later, the shaking stops and the building stops being shit out from the ground.

Standing in the massive plot of land is a tall building. No, it's a tower.

Made out of stone, over 10,000 meters squared at its base and over 1000 meters high.

For reference, the tallest building in my old world, the Burj Khalifa, is only 800 meters tall.

The whole thing is made out of grey stone. By that, I mean it's one giant object. It's not built out of bricks or anything, it's literally one single object, one single entity.

It has multiple patterns and designs over the surface, as plain as they seem to be.

Runes engraved into the surface from [Odin] glow softly, reinforcing the building and stabilising it into the ground below, along with a few other effects, such as making the entire tower appear hot pink instead of grey to a random person once a day for about five seconds, just to fuck with them.

Ramiris- "Why is it PINK- Oh wait never mind…"


Milim- "Ooh!"

Milim is clapping her hands in glee, Gaia's egg being balanced on her head while she does this. Ramiris is now looking at the tower appreciatively.

However, Mikoto and Illya are looking at the tower with squinted eyes.

Illya- "Hey, Onii-chan…"

Mikoto- "Isn't this…"

Rimuru- "Yup! It is! This…"

I nod my head proudly. I walk in front of the group and spread my arms.

Rimuru- "Is Babel Tower!"

Pls don't copyright, Danmachiverse…


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato – Genesis


A/N: The tower is just one giant dick joke lmao

MC: Wait wot

AN: Im joking

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!