Chapter 217 Short chapter...

A/N: This is kinda R-18, but the REAL R-18 chapter will be the one after this, so next chapter. Also the chapter is gonna be really short.


Mikoto- "Kya~!"


With a small scream, Mikoto was thrown into the warm waters of the hot spring, courtesy of yours truly.

It is currently very late in the afternoon, the sky is mostly orange, looking like fractured stained glass due to the shattered skies, an effect of the Mirror Dimension.

The sun is sinking below the horizon and very soon, it will be night.

At this moment, Mikoto and I are currently naked discounting the white towels wrapped around our sensitive bits.

Well, Mikoto's towel was unravelled due to the impact from the water and is slowly floating away.

I also unravel the towel around my waist (not that I need it since I don't have genitals in this form) and drop it to the ground before also jumping into the waters.


Standing upright, the waters only reach just above my waist. Then and again, I only have the body of a 15-year-old teenager.

Mikoto's head slowly surfaces after my entry, only revealing her wet hair and her eyes that are glaring at me. Everything else is hidden under the rippling waters.

I take a step towards her.

Mikoto- "Wai- woah woah woah! Stop right there!"

Mikoto immediately reacts, jumping backwards, causing more water to splash about while wildly waving her hands in front of her. An atomic blush shades her face.

Rimuru- "I won't wait. I've had enough waiting."

I say as I continue walking forwards.

Mikoto continues moving backwards, eventually hitting the wall of the hot springs. Her hands quickly move to cover her growing breasts and vagina.

Rimuru- "Right now, it's just us two. No one else will interrupt."

A spatial barrier over the entire establishment will make sure of that.

Mikoto- "I-Interrupt w-w-what!?"

Rimuru- "You know exactly what I'm talking about. I'm taking your virginity."

Mikoto- "EHHH!?"

Without stopping, I continue walking forward. Without being able to retreat, she simply closes her eyes.

I stop in front of her.

And I just look down at her as she tries to make herself smaller.




Rimuru- "… *Sigh*…"

I scratch the back of my head.

Rimuru- "… Do you really not want this?"

Mikoto opens her eyes and meets mine, her eyes carrying embarrassment and nothing else.

I don't show any sign of hopefulness, or curiosity. I'm dead serious.

Rimuru- "If you don't want me to do this, say so. I promise to listen. If you're not ready, just say 'No'. I'll turn around, and I'll leave. This won't damage my opinion of you if you're worried about that."

I want this. I want to embrace her. I've wanted it for a while.

But I don't want to rush her.

Of course, I know that Mikoto is a tsundere. If I just let her choose when we do the deed, it will never happen. Not for a few more years, at least…

So, I decided to take it into my own hands. I've been planning this for a while, today was just the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak…

Mikoto- "I… I don't…"

Mikoto's voice is barely on the level of a whisper, but the senses of an Origin Slime is not to be underestimated, as I can still hear her as clear as day.

I sigh again. As expected, she's still not ready.

Mikoto- "… don't… don't… p-particularly mind…"

I look up, a smile breaking out on my face.

Rimuru- "Really?"

Mikoto- "…"

Mikoto doesn't respond, but I see her head shift slightly.

She nodded.

Happiness blooms throughout my chest, spreading through my body. Unable to stop myself, I leap towards her, wrapping my arms around her in a hug.

Nothing lewd, just a pure wholesome hug… well, we're still naked.

Her body stiffens slightly but relaxes in my embrace just as quickly. Her hands slowly make their way around my back, returning my embrace.

Buuuut… we're two hormonal teenagers, so this wholesome moment could only continue for so long before we get to fucking.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato – Genesis


A/N: Yes, I am aware this chapter is very short, only a mere 700 words. I am aware.

However, I was busy and I also didn't feel like writing. Plus, I don't wanna write one half of MC and Mikoto fucking each other and wait for another day to finish.

If it's any consolation, I'll TRY to make the next chapter extra-long… no promises…

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!