Chapter 222 Descent

Goblin- "Skreee!"



With a single hit, the goblin that lunged at me burst into black mist, dropping a magic crystal.

Said magic crystal is only the size of a fingernail, and I can't be bothered bending down and picking it up, so I just use [Azathoth] to teleport the thing into my hand, to which I stuff it into a little bag at my waist.

How did I get here, you ask?

Well, it all started about an hour ago.

The students, Illya, Shizu and I followed Ramiris and Jarvis into Babel Tower so the kids can do a test run. So we registered them as adventurers which barely took five minutes under my recommendation.

After that, someone (definitely not me) suggested a race between the students and the teachers on who can reach floor 18, the first safe zone, first.

The kids were enthusiastic, so I called over Mikoto since she is also their teacher, and we made a group of three.

Shizu, Mikoto and I.

Illya, although technically a teacher, joined the student team, simply because she wanted to catch up with Alice and Chloe.

… Now that I think about it, didn't Illya teach WAY more than I did? In fact, did I even teach anything during my time in Freedom Academy?

… Not important.

Of course, it would be unfair as fuck if Team Teachers (dumb name, I'm working on it) went all out since we're all quite overpowered.

Shizu could probably burn the entire world to the ground with her recently gained Fire Ultimate Skill and her massive magicule pool that never stops growing courtesy of [Limit Breaker].

Mikoto could probably collapse the entire solar system in on itself within the course of a year with her Electromaster esper ability.

And as for me… well, I think you get the idea.

So, I created homunculus bodies for our consciousness to inhabit temporarily that limits our abilities, though I had a little trouble with Shizu's and Mikoto's bodies because of their [Limit Breaker] and [Saitama] skills which were evolving the bodies simply by inhabiting them.

So that was fun.

Now we're all around C Rank in terms of magicule capacity and physical prowess. Against the kids who are around A Rank with their Artificial Spirits, I'd say this is pretty fair.

Yes, I was throwing shade. I ain't got no mercy for my enemies.

Mikoto- "Rimuru! Stop monologuing! We're going already!"

Mikoto shouts from further ahead.

Rimuru- "Ah- Wait up!"

I sheathe Yamato into its scabbard and run up to them, continuing our descent into floor 5.

Yes, I am using Yamato. OP equipment is allowed since the students have the bracelets I gave them that let them transform into their gear which is also OP.

Although I won't just open a space rift straight into the 18th floor just because I can.

I'm not sure I even have the magicules for that.

Rimuru- "In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have used [Azathoth] to pick up that little magic crystal. That took nearly 5% of my reserves…"

Shizu- "5%? Just for teleporting that little crystal? Isn't that too much?"

Mikoto- "Well, to be fair, it's a Space Ultimate Skill. With just C Rank magicule reserves, there's probably not much you can do. Plus, he's lived with an obscene amount of magicules his entire life, so…"

Shizu- "Hah? I wasn't asking you. I was asking Rimuru, dumb woman."

Mikoto- "Haah!? And why would MY Rimuru want to talk to you!?"

Shizu- "He's not yours."

Mikoto- "Yes he is!"

Shizu- "Not for long."

Mikoto- "W-What's that supposed to mean!?"

Hmm, I wonder why these two argue so suddenly when I'm around? Every time I'm not there, they're like best friends who can't live without the other. But then you throw me into the picture and they're like two cats fighting over territory… or food.

… Why do I feel like the food in that metaphor? Odd…

Pikachu- "Pika pika!"

Oh yeah and Pikachu is here too. I wonder where she was, I haven't seen her in such a long time…

And so, we continued to breeze through the floors by taking turns on who would lead so we can all have some fun.

I killed everything in our way on Floor 1, which wasn't many.

Shizu coated her sword in her hell flames wiping out entire rooms with minimal magicule usage on Floor 2. As an aside, her sword is a replica of the one she used as a human but dialled to 11. Being created out of hard-as-fuck metal and engraved with my runes will do that to any weapon.

And Mikoto used Pikachu to fight. Apparently, her esper ability was mostly left behind in her real body. Well, she still has access to it in her current body, but it's barely Level 2, so there's not much use.

It was my turn on the 4th floor, and now it's Shizu's turn again on the 5th.


An explosion echoes into our ears through the earth as the tunnel trembles around us, causing dust and small rocks to fall.

Shizu- "… That wasn't me."

Rimuru- "Probably Illya…"

I'm pretty sure it's Illya. It's not very often she gets to fire off laser beams as a magical girl and watch as hundreds of lives are snuffed out of existence with a happy smile…

Mikoto- "… We gotta hurry."

Shizu- "Waaaay ahead of you…"

Shizu dashes forward and slashes the newly born kobolds and goblins in the chest as she passes them with flawless grace, causing a small delayed eruption of flame to burst from their cuts, instantly killing them.

*Fwoom* *fwoom* *fwoom* *fwoom* *fwoom* *fwoom*

Six magic stones drop onto the floor, but Illya, the magical girl of doom, is hot on our tail, so we just ignore them and continue rushing deeper into the dungeon.

Shizu- "Don't you think it's a bit unfair that she still has her unlimited magicules?"

Mikoto- "Well at least she knows how to hold back and not drill a hole through the floors."

Shizu- "Yeah…"

See!? When it doesn't involve me, they're completely fine with each other!

Rimuru- "… *Sniff*… Whatever… let's just keep going…"

I almost choke on my words as I try to keep my emotions in control.

We continue onwards, the dungeon continues to spawn more monsters and Shizu continues to fucking annihilate them.

They stood no chance.

Even with her reduced strength, she continues to keep styling on these poor mindless mobs, never once slowing down in the process.

There was once a time where over 20 mobs were gathered together, as three groups just happened to group up in the middle of an intersection.

Shizu ran up the walls and onto the ceiling, melting footholds into the walls, ending up above the concentration of monsters.

Without hesitation, she stops and lets gravity reclaim her.

She fell. With the plumes of fire dancing around her as her blade glows from the concentrated flames, it looked like the climax scene of a masterwork action anime.

I swore time slowed for that moment.

Either that or the Author did something.

(A/N: *Cough*)

Anyways, her blade stabs into the ground, its tip sheathing itself into the dungeon floor.

And all the flames held back were expelled into a flame shockwave around her.

All 20 monsters turned into black mist as the bright crimson flames licked their bodies. There was no "burning" process, the flames simply touched the mobs before they broke down into dust.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: Hey guys, Im thinking of writing the part where MC travels to the Original Tensura world, but I dont know what time period I should put the MC into.

Like, should I have him appear just as OG Rimuru was born? Or maybe after that where he was just starting to build the village? Or after the Orc Lord? Or After Charybdis? Idk.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!