Chapter 225 Cliché adventure

I continue watching the otherworlder as he makes his way to the dungeon, still reeling from the fact that someone popped up out of nowhere just because I made an opportunity to become a protagonist.

I mean, the chance of appearing at the exact spot he did, entering the weapon shop, and picking Greed up from a pile of junk is… is…

Illya- 'Less than 1 in 750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.'

(A/N: One in seven hundred and fifty sextillion.)

Rimuru- 'Thank you.'

Yeah, that number.

In any case, he makes it to Babel Tower and enters it, quickly turning to one of the reception desks to register as an adventurer.

As he was filling the forum out, surprise surprise, an adventurer with a lot of muscles lumbers up towards him spouting bullshit along the lines of "Oy oy! I didn't know the Guild accepted weak babies into their ranks! Go back to suck on your mom's tits, boy!" and stuff like that.

Yes, this is your "looking like a weakling but is actually very strong and completely wrecks the offender" cliché. Or more specifically, the Adventurer Registration Cliché.

The otherworlder looks at the adventurer, smiles, and goes back to filling out the forum without feeling even the slightest bit miffed. This obviously pisses the adventurer off as he grabs his heavy axe off his back and smashes it down at the clueless otherworlder.

Suddenly, the otherworlder flinches before jumping to the side as his [Spider Sense] Unique Skill (yes, I checked, that's the actual name of his skill) activated. I'm sure you already know what it can do…

A little brawl later, the adventurer gets knocked on his ass before he calls his friends for help.

More brawling, and the adventurer and all his friends are knocked out. The otherworlder gets praised since apparently that adventurer likes to harass newbies.

Well, sure, he looks intimidating with all his muscles, but he and his group are D Rank at best.

Anyway, the otherworlder signed up and proceeded to descend into the dungeon, talking to his sword all the while.

He reached the first floor and got to killing. He didn't even bother glancing towards the counter that sells all the Resurrection Bracelets, Magic Crystal Inventory Bags, Returning Whistles, Teleport Beacons, or other such dungeon exclusive items.

Not that he had the money in the first place.

Not even five minutes later he comes across a pair of girls who were about to get killed by a bunch of goblins.

To be fair, there were around 8 goblins there, which is more than double the amount found in a single group for the first floor. Furthermore, there's also one of Adalman's Skeletons. Guess they were unlucky…

But suddenly, our resident otherworlder jumps in and wipes out all the goblins! And after a very tough, hard, climaxing battle with multiple powerup scenes and a bunch of shouting, the otherworlder finally won.

I died a little every time the guy shouted "You cannot defeat me while I have something to protect!", the protection target being a pair of girls he LITERALLY just met. Granted, they're pretty, maybe an 8/10, and they're also wearing skimpy adventurer clothing, so yeah.

They better be thankful I took away the genitals of any goblin monster spawned by the dungeon.

And so, after a heartfelt "Daijobu desu ka?", the two girls instantly fell in love.

Rimuru- "Bruh."

They picked up all eight magic stones (the skeleton didn't drop one) and left the dungeon as the two girls did their best to explain everything to the otherworlder, who immediately confessed his status as a patron of the infamous Truck-kun.

Rimuru- "Meat Bun ROB is way better."

Meanwhile, the girls are rubbing their tits on his arm and shaking their asses while he has this clueless, dense, goofy smile all the while. He even had the nerve to say "I wonder why everyone is glaring at me…" under his breath.

Honestly, it's a bit annoying to watch.

I mean, even I'm not THAT dense…

… Right?

(A/N: *Cough*)

Next up, they happen to cross paths with a dark elf child. There's a bit of a problem with that though…

She's dressed in rags, has a metal collar around her neck, and is currently being whipped by a rich fat man that is the personification of "grease".




What the fuck!? Isn't slavery illegal in Avalon!? This guy is whipping a slave child in the middle of the streets!

Wait hold on… where did everyone go!? The entire street is empty!

And all the security cameras in the area are down!

Not only that, but the runes along the streets are also not working!

If I wasn't keeping track of the otherworlder, I somehow get the feeling that even I wouldn't have noticed this…

Damn bullshit anime logic!

The otherworlder immediately stops the greasy man and demands to let the child go. The child is looking at the otherworlder like he's her saviour.

The rich man says no, obviously, and then the otherworlder proceeds to beat him into unconsciousness and cut the slave collar with Greed.

RImuru- "… Couldn't you have just reported the whole thing to someone instead of beating the guy up?"

The noble would've gotten a life sentence in Avalon's jail for slavery and child abuse.

If he did something worse than that, then he will be subjected to a Nightmare Room, where it's just a plain white room with runes that will prevent the complete degradation of sanity, and every time you sleep, you will experience your worst nightmares.

I contact Soei with telepathy.

Rimuru- 'There's a guy here. Lock him up.'

I send the location to Soei who immediately sends someone to deal with it.

While this was happening, the otherworlder went to get food and clothes for the child.

Suddenly, he says something worrying.

Otherworlder- "… Am I the protagonist of this world?"

Oh hell no.

I use [Azathoth] to time travel back to the time when the otherworlder first appeared.

Doing so, I meet the past me.

Past Rimuru- "… Something happened, didn't it?"

Rimuru- "Yeah, don't mind me."

The otherworlder pops into existence shouting "Wooh! I've been isekai'd!" before I use [Azathoth] again to yeet him back into his own world.

I then teleport Greed into the dungeon, hidden in a very secret spot on Floor 18. It wouldn't feel right if I just deleted it since it's technically alive, so I kept it in a place where only someone with decent strength can reach.

I'm hoping it will be a guy who is picked and bullied on who gets Greed and can begin their journey of revenge and prove their worth to the world that neglected him.

Rimuru- "Aight, done. I'm outta here."

I wave goodbye to my past self before time travelling back to the present, finding everything in order.

There were no female adventurers almost dying on the first floor, nor is there any slaver or slave dark elf child.




I need to sleep…


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal, Non-Virgin

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: Fucking bullshit anime logic, why are events like these so common in isekai novels. Goddamn...

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!