Chapter 227 Evil Rimuru

This Evil Rimuru is, to put it simply, a villain. He's your typical endgame final boss of your typical isekai fantasy.

He looks like "Rimuru".

Both Rimuru's, to be exact. He looks like me, and he looks like the Original Rimuru. This means he got his hands on Shizue's body.

The way he did it was… forceful, to say the least. In this world, Shizu didn't see any redeeming, human-like qualities in him and sought to kill him. Granted, he tried to kill her first, along with Elen, Kabal and Gido.

Unfortunately, Ifrit acted up in the worst possible moment and got both itself and Shizue eaten by Rimuru's [Predator].

After that, Evil Rimuru continued on the general path that we all took, but with a few twists. He dealt with the Ogres by defeating them and enslaving them with his Unique Skill [Victor's Spoils] that lets him enslave anyone whom he defeats in a fair battle.

Kabal and Gido were killed and Elen was also enslaved.

After that, he enslaved Gabiru's men while killing Gabiru himself, dealt with the Orc Lord and enslaved the orcs, tricked the Dryads and also enslaved them and enslaved the rest of the lizardmen.

Lots of enslaving…

I guess I should be glad that this Rimuru is asexual. I'm pretty sure ALL Rimuru's are asexual, and I'm just an outlier.

And it turns out, in this world, Yuuki Kagurazaka is a good guy.

Rimuru- "Bruh."

It's kinda ironic, Rimuru became the bad guy and Yuuki is now a good guy. Luckily, for my sanity, those are the only changes. Well, that, and there is no Bryce here.

Obviously, all of his subordinates hate serving under him, especially since this Rimuru treats all his women like possessions. Both his arms constantly have beautiful women in them, most of the time being Shuna, Shion, Elen and/or Treyni, while occasionally swapping them with other nameless monster girls.

Rimuru- "Damn, he's living the dream…"

Mikoto- "Hah? Did you say something?"


Rimuru- "N-Nothing…"

I feel Illya's and Mikoto's stares on my back.

Rimuru- "A-Anyway, I'm going to deal with this!"

I activate [Yahweh] and create a weapon. A sword, to be exact.

It's a very special sword that holds a very special place in all of our hearts.

Its blade shines in a golden glow, there are ornaments of blue and gold on its hilt and handle. Simply looking at it will inspire the purest, most primal emotion of Hope and Victory.

It's Ex-fucking-calibur.

Before you ask, yes, that's this sword's actual name. Ex-fucking-calibur.

I'm not changing it.

Using [Azathoth], I teleport the sword right into Shuna's hands.

Grasping the hilt of the sword, information on what it is and how to use it flows into her mind.

Shuna- "Ex-fucking-calibur? … What a weird name…"

But she quickly realises that using this sword, she can kill Evil Rimuru and free everyone, which she does.

She turns around and stabs Evil Rimuru in the chest with elegant grace. I mean, it was her turn in Evil Rimuru's arms.

Ex-fucking-calibur seals all skills of everyone its wielder considers an enemy within a large radius, so without [Great Sage], [Predator] and [Victor's Spoils], he got stabbed without much resistance.



With a shout, the sword in Shuna's hands glows before a beam of pure energy rips through Rimuru, turning him and his soul to dust before continuing to shoot into the sky.

Rimuru- "Heh."

I can't help but smile at that.

As for why I gave Shuna the sword? Well, it's quite simple. I thought it would be funny if she shouted its name, which it was, so that was a success. The other reason would be because… I favour her. Aside from Shizu, Shuna was my favourite waifu of the entire series.

So yeah, it was blatant favouritism.

As an aside, Milim was a close third place. Don't tell anyone…

(A/N: So Shizu first, Shuna second, Milim third. :3)

Well, this was all in the past. Mikoto is my all-time favourite waifu, and she's with me now.

Anyway, I think I've done enough in this world. I've seen enough. I'm satisfied.

It's time to go to the next world.

Rimuru- "This time, please tell me where to go, alright?"

Illya- "*Sniff* I'm sorry…"

Argh! My heart!

Rimuru- "No! It's my fault! Don't look sad! Your Onii-chan apologises!"

Mikoto just stares at me accusingly.

Mikoto- "You made her cry…"


In any case, we got back on the road(?) towards the next world. Under Illya's guidance, we quickly found the world I wanted, and enter it.

Driving around on the ground through the familiar yet unfamiliar Jura Forest, I can't help but think to myself.

This is the world I was originally supposed to be reborn into, but a Satoru Mikami soul hit me and knocked me off course. I wonder if that soul was the Rimuru of this world or another world?


A large explosion echoes out from a distance.

I roll down the window and poke my head out, my eyes easily taking in the scene from dozens of kilometres away.

It's me throwing [Dark Thunder] at a bigass fish. Or rather, a slightly smaller, blue-haired me. He looks around 14 years old compared to the 15-year-old me.

It's Rimuru.

Mikoto- "Oh hey, it's Charybdis. Haven't seen that guy in a while…"

Rimuru- "So we appeared in the middle of the Charybdis arc, huh?"

It seems they already took care of the Megalodons and Rimuru is just testing things out against Charybdis, the explosion we heard was the sound of the Other Rimuru's [Dark Thunder] hitting it.

Rimuru- "Hmm… it seems they aren't doing much damage to it…"

Mikoto- "Any Charybdis DOES have [Ultraspeed Regeneration]…"

Illya- "It's going to take a lot of resources, dealing with it…"




Rimuru- "… Should we step in?"

Mikoto- "Well, I was just getting a bit bored…"

Illya- "A rematch on who can kill it the fastest sounds good too…"

Right, I guess it's decided then.

Shall we go and say hi?


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal, Non-Virgin

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: After MC left, the Shuna of the Evil Rimuru world continued to grow stronger and stronger with Ex-fucking-calibur in hand, easily becoming a Demon Lord. Many people attempted to steal the sword away, but it's bound to Shuna, so any who tried to weild it with bad intentions towards her (Clayman) turned to dust. And if needed, she can simply call for the sword and it will appear.

A few years later, Shuna became an existance that can stomp on even Guy Crimson himself. And like this, everyone knew the name of Ex-fucking-calibur's weilder, Shuna, leader of the nation of monsters.

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!