Chapter 229 Celebration and explanation


The sun has long passed over the horizon, the moon and stars are glowing brightly in the night sky.

After Milim killed Charybdis, Mikoto and Illya also wanted to try killing it (again) so I revived it again via revival gun.

Phobio was successfully recovered and Carrion appeared. Other Rimuru and Carrion made a treaty and we all went home.

Mikoto, Illya and I followed Other Rimuru and his subordinates along with Dwargon's Pegasus Knights back to Rimuru. Rimuru is the name of the city in this world by the way.

Avalon would've been called Rimuru as well if I hadn't adamantly refused it, but it seems this Other Rimuru has a weaker will than myself, his subordinates successfully got him to agree on naming this place after him. Oh well, not my problem.

A festival is ongoing right now in the city of Rimuru. It's a celebration of the defeat of the Ruler of the Skies, Charybdis. The streets are filled with monsters dancing, singing, and chattering. The warm lights of the surrounding buildings, the glow of the moon and stars and the fires are enough to light up the surroundings.

Hakurou- "Do it!"

Rigurd- "Ou!"

Geld- "Here it comes!"

Rigurd and Geld threw the corpse of a Megalodon at Hakurou on his signal.

*Shing!* *Shing!*

Two silvery arcs glide through the flesh of the shark monster before it hits the tarp laid out on the ground, sliding to a halt.

The fishy sides of the monster neatly slide off, and the Megalodon becomes neatly filleted.

Rimuru- "Amazing. He's a little slower than my world's Hakurou, but his swordsmanship is as masterful as ever."

I comment as I watch this scene from the sidelines.

It's true, although I've technically become Hakurou's better in swordsmanship if only barely, Hakurou's swordsmanship always remained an art. I can cut things, sure, but I never was able to make it as graceful and awe-inspiring as him.

I ended up drawing dicks in the air when I tried, I got beat up because of that.

Other Rimuru- "Eh? Your Hakurou is faster? Seriously? The geezer is one of the fastest people I know!"

Rimuru- "It can't be helped, he's got better resources."

And by "resources", I mean magicules. I pumped him full of it when I named him after all. Other Rimuru didn't have the luxury of infinite magicules.

Plus, Avalon's library has books on pretty much ANYTHING, including sword arts.

With Illya's help, the library became something like a pseudo-Akashic Records. It's a rapidly expanding repertoire of books collected throughout the multiverse, and the library stores it all in an infinite separate space once a copy is made.

Whenever someone enters the library looking for something specific, it brings out books relating to the topic. If someone enters without a specific goal, it just fills the shelves with random interesting books.

Of course, some books are banned and won't ever appear on the shelves. One of those books was "How to disgrace the Meat Bun". I destroyed the world this book came from.

The wonders of [Azathoth], [Yahweh] and [Odin]…

But as you can guess, Hakurou, being the sword-nut that he is, walked into the library out of curiosity, looking for books on the sword.

Needless to say, he was not disappointed. His favourite is the Sun Breathing Arts from Demon Slayer. Ironic, since he used to be known as the Demon Swordsman…

The Megalodon fillets were quickly moved into these big ass pots that are stationed over a big ass open fire. Inside the big ass pots are some kind of big ass broth to cook them big ass style.

But there was more than just one Megalodon, and each one was salvaged and cut into edible pieces. Sashimi, Sushi, Grilled Fish, Buri Daikon, Shioyaki Sakana, Katsuo-no-Tataki, Sanma-no-Nitsuke, Miso-zuke Salmon, Nanban-zuke, so on, so forth.

Honestly, I only know what these dishes are because of Satoru Mikami's memories… and Illya's ramblings as she stared at all the food as they were being taken out.

By the way, she's long gone. Right now, she's in fish heaven. She is gorging herself on the tables of food without a hint of stopping. Shuna is also being showered with praises by her.

Other Rimuru- "… How can she fit all that food in that small body?"

Other Rimuru mutters to himself.

I look at Mikoto, who is standing a little bit away who also heard him. Our eyes meet, and we shrug.

I look back towards Other Rimuru.

Rimuru- "You get used to it."

Other Rimuru- "So… Are you going to explain?"

Other Rimuru asks me.

Rimuru- "Explain what?"

Other Rimuru- "Explain who you are. Why do you look like me? I also heard from your companions that you're also called Rimuru, so…"

Rimuru- "Ahh, yes. Well, don't worry. Everything will be explained… in time."

I respond while nodding sagely.

Other Rimuru- "…"

Rimuru- "… *Cough* I'm joking, I just wanted to say that. I'll explain now. So, to answer your questions… First off, yes, my name is Rimuru. Unlike you, I don't have a last name. And as for who I am exactly…"

I pause for suspense. Rimuru gulps. I look him dead in the eyes.

Rimuru- "… I am you."

Other Rimuru- "Eh?"

Rimuru- "I'm also a cooler, eviler version of you."

Other Rimuru- "Eeeeh!?"

Milim- "Seriously!? Does that mean you're a Demon Lord nanoda!?"

Milim jumps in, interrupting our conversation. I look at her. Both her hands are occupied with skewered fish sticks.

Rimuru- "No. But she is."

I say while pointing towards Mikoto, who waves at us."

Milim- "Really!? Hey, do you wanna be my friend nanoda!?"

Rimuru- "Yeah, why not. I also have a friend named Milim."

Milim- "Really!?"

Rimuru- "She's also a Demon Lord."

Other Rimuru- "Not another one!"

Milim stops talking.

Milim- "…"

Did I say something wrong?

Milim- "… I have a twin sister!?"

How did you reach that conclusion!?

A few minutes later, after calming Milim down…

Rimuru- "*Ahem* Back to what I was saying… I'm not actually an eviler version of you."

Other Rimuru breathes a sigh of relief.

Rimuru- "But I am cooler."

He chokes.

And so begins the five-minute explanation of parallel worlds and the fact that I am an OP version of him from said parallel worlds.

Rimuru- "Also you're the Original."

Other Rimuru- "Original?"

Rimuru- "Yeah. As if in, this world is the original world. It's the "Source", the "Beginning". Every other world that is classified as a "Parallel World" branches off from this one."

It's something I realised when I came to this world.

There are many, many worlds out there. Or to be more specific many Universes. Each Universe is enclosed within a "World Barrier" like a bubble. And there are many "bubbles" out there, floating in the vast sea of emptiness, AKA the Void.

Any world that is similar to this world has its "bubble" closer. This also works vice versa, the more different one world is to another, the farther their "bubbles" will be.

So in the sea of a quite possibly infinite amount of worlds, parallel worlds, which are worlds that are similar to the extremes, are clustered together. They are also linked together in some weird way.

The Kaleidoscope from the Fate Universe uses these connections to operate, so if it's not a "parallel world", it won't be able to affect it.

And this world is at the very centre of that cluster.

As an aside, my world is also quite close to the centre.

Rimuru- "Of course, there is a lot more fuckery in dealing with the Void and different worlds, but I just don't think about it too much."

I look at Other Rimuru and see the lost look on his face. I'm sure [Great Sage] got everything, so it can probably tell it to him slowly over time. It's not really important info anyways, it's just a bit of trivia.

Rimuru- "All in all, this world is the Original. I should be calling you Original Rimuru because of that, buuuuut… Nah. I'll just continue calling you Other Rimuru instead."

Other Rimuru breaks out from his stupor and looks at me with an annoyed expression.

Other Rimuru- "Wait, you've been calling me 'Other Rimuru'?"

Rimuru- "…"

Other Rimuru- "… Anwser me."

Rimuru- "…"

I say nothing and just continue to nibble on my meat bun.


Name: Rimuru

Race: Origin Slime

Protection: Crest of Space

Title: Highest Tier Spirit, Leader of the Monsters, Onii-chan, King of Avalon, Master of Headpats, Procrastinator King, The Nutcracker, socially awkward cringe slightly chuuni slime, True Dragon Slayer, Sensei, World's Strongest, Overpowered to a stupid degree, Mikoto's Equal, Non-Virgin

???: [Codex: Illyasviel]

Ultimate Skills: [Yahweh, God of Creation], [Odin, God of Runes], [Azathoth, God of Void (Alternative)]

Equipment: Yamato - Genesis


A/N: Rimuru ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• ) The Cooler Rimuru (⌐■_■)

Let me know if I missed anything.

Also consider dropping some power stones!