Chapter 66: You Don't Know Me

Alaric POV

“Why won’t she wake up?!” I yell at everyone in my vicinity.

Evanora, Seraphina, Silas and the pack healer are all surrounding an unconscious Raven and giving me looks of sympathy. She looks peaceful, as if she’s just sleeping. Save for the cut healing on her head, she looks completely normal.

Except it’s been three weeks and she hasn’t opened her eyes. It’s obvious she suffered a concussion from the blows to her head, but she should have woken up by now.

“I don’t believe she’s ready to wake up yet,” Evanora says sadly.

“Why the hell not?” I growl.

“Her mind is healing, we must not rush that. She has been through a trauma,” Evanora replies.

I sigh in frustration, but I know Evanora has Raven’s best interest at heart. There is a knock on the door and I open it to find a forlorn look on Carl’s face.

“She still isn’t awake?” he asks.