Chapter 11: The Office

Gwen thought it was a good decision to have gone for a formal look before leaving the house.

She hadn't imagined that she would accompany Finn to his office, but she was at least presentable now that the situation called for it.

As they entered the building, she appreciated the fact that Finn had a personal entrance from the garage, so she wouldn’t have to walk by his side in front of every single person.

But, as they reached his office’s floor, they did meet a few people that threw curious and intrigued glances at her. They probably weren’t used to seeing Finn enter his office with a strange woman at his side.

He was always the kind of guy that kept his work life and his personal life separate. Maybe that’s why everyone was looking at her with a question mark on their faces.

His office was crowded with a lot of men in suits and a woman who she assumed was his secretary Melanie.

“You can come in, it won’t take long,” he said to Gwen as they reached the door.