Chapter 4: The Engagement

Asher’s POV

I haven’t been able to sleep the past two nights. My brain won’t shut off when I want it to, it keeps thinking about my uncles and Harper. My uncles are relentless when it comes to how I should be leading the pack. I’m not an idiot, I know how to be a leader. For a while I wanted my uncle’s opinions, but now it’s getting to a point where I think they’re trying to push me out.

Harper. I can’t stop thinking about our fake marriage. I’m worried no one is going to believe us or my pack won’t accept a Luna, especially a stranger who I just met. They won’t know she’s a stranger, but they’ll suspect something is up since I left the pack single and returning three days later with a fiancé. Harper has attempted to reassure me that things will work out fine, but I’m not so sure.

Since I agreed to marry Harper, I figured I should get to know her to make the relationship seem legitimate. We decided to meet at her special place in the forest before our final dinner here. It’s a quiet spot where no one will find us or overhear our conversation.

Harper is sitting cross legged in the middle of the clearing when I arrive. The sun is beginning to set in the distance, casting a soft orange glow over her. I take a seat next to her, and she offers me a smile.

“You’re here early.” I comment.

“I wanted to spend some time here alone before we leave tomorrow,” She looks around the small area, “I’m going to miss this place the most.”

“You’ll see it in a year. I’m sure it’ll be just as beautiful as it is in this moment.” It’s not a lie. This place has the most amazing scenery I’ve seen in my life.

“Alright, let’s get this over with so we can attend dinner.” Harper shifts to face me, and I follow suit. “I’m going to list off a couple of questions and you just say whatever comes to mind.”

I nod.

She clears her throat, “Favorite color? How old are you? Best place to visit? Do you have any siblings? Favorite person in the world?”

Woah, that is a lot of questions. I take a deep breath before I respond, “My favorite color is yellow, I’m twenty-five, the best place to visit is my home, I’m an only child, and my favorite person in the world is my Mother, who sadly passed away when I was five years old.” That got dark quick.

Harper looks like she doesn’t know what to say. That’s okay, she doesn’t need to say anything, she doesn’t know me.

“What about you?” I ask, needing to change the topic.

She nods, “I like the color red, I’m also twenty-five, you’re sitting in my favorite place, I have two brothers, and my favorite person in the world is my grandmother.”

“Why your grandmother?” I’m interested to know, “Is she a good woman?”

Harper smiles, “The best woman I know. She taught me how to fight when I was a small child. She even helped me when I had my first shift.” She looks up at the sky, sad, “She’s no longer here but she’s always in my heart.”

I smile, “That’s how I feel about my Mother. The best woman I know, so strong, too.”

We both smile in silence, watching the sun set behind the mountain. I wish my Mother were around to see how much I’ve grown up; how strong I’ve become. She would know how to help in this situation; she would know what the right thing to do is.

“Is that a good amount to know about each other?” I ask, wanting to head back to get ready for dinner.

Harper nods, standing to her feet. “I think that’s enough. We can always put the timing and quickness down to being Mates, to throw suspicion.”

I stand to my feet, dusting the loose grass off the back of my jeans, “Sounds like a plan to me.”


Harper and I walk to dinner together. We need to appear in love, so I suggested we hold hands to greet everyone. We hope that the fancy clothes we’re wearing will help sell the fact that this is our engagement announcement. I attempted to make my hair look less of a mess, but I’m unsure if I will ever be able to tame my wild mane.

I grip Harper’s hand tight in mine, giving her a comfort squeeze. I know this can’t be easy, having to tell your parents you’re engaged and leaving first thing in the morning. It would be daunting. I know it’s fake, but in the moment it does feel real.

“Are you ready?” I ask as we stop in front of the door to the dining room.

Harper shakes her head, “No. Are you?”

I chuckle, “Not at all.”

I push open the door and step through, Harper close behind me.

“Ah, there they are.” Lawrence appears thrilled to see us. He’s seated at the head of the table with his family, my uncles sit close by. There are two free seats next to Julie.

I pull Harper’s seat out for her, then I take a seat myself. Everyone is looking at us with confused expressions. I’m sure they are wondering why we came to dinner together.

Lawrence clears his throat, “Asher, how have you enjoyed your time here with us?”

I take a sip of wine, “I’ve had a really nice stay. You have all been so welcoming to my uncles and me.”

“Yes, it has been a wonderful stay. Your home is beautiful.” Julius pipes in.

Julie claps her hands together in excitement, “Wonderful! Will you be returning for a visit in the future?”

I catch a glimpse of Harper beside me who is fiddling with her hands under the table, “I sure will.”

One of Harper’s brothers, Artemis, joins the conversation, “How do you know my sister so well?” He is giving Harper a heated stare, which I’m sure is pissing her off. I know how much she despises her brothers. This must be the one Lawrence is handing his title down to.

“Yes, Harper, I would like to know how you and Asher have come to grow so close.” Lawrence takes a sip of his wine, intrigued.

“Well, we met the night he came over for dinner,” She looks at me, her eyes pleading for help, “And we hit it off straight away.”

“I guess you could say she is my Mate,” I add.

Julie smiles wide. I’m sure she is happy for her daughter. I feel bad knowing its fake, but one day those feelings will be for real, just for a different man.

“In fact, we’re getting married,” I smile.

Everyone’s jaw has just hit the floor in shock. My uncles look incredibly confused, and I’m sure Julius is pissed. Lawrence and Julie look happy-shocked and Harper’s brothers look annoyed. Not quite the reactions I was hoping for, but it’ll do.

“I’m so happy for you sweetheart!” Julie is up out of her seat and pulling Harper into a tight hug. “You’re going to be a Luna!”

“I know, Mother.” Harper’s words are muffled in the hug.

My uncles look at me with narrowed eyes, suspicious.

“Prove it.” Julius says.

“What?” Prove what? I don’t need to prove anything to them. Why is it so hard for them to understand I’m getting married?

“I don’t believe this is real,” Dean agrees, adding fuel to Julius’s fire.

I glance at Harper, nervous. I knew this was going to happen. They’ve figured out straight away this is fake. Did we not appear in love when we entered the room?

“Of course, it’s real,” Harper smiles at me.

She gives me a look, indicating she is either going to do something good or bad. She grabs me by the collar of my shirt and pulls me towards her. From instinct I close my eyes and commit to the pretend relationship. Our lips brush each other’s, and I can taste strawberry. They’re soft, warm and inviting. I hope it appears that sparks are flying around the room. I ignore the little butterflies in my stomach.

“Like I said,” Harper smiles wide when we pull apart, “We’re getting married, and I’m leaving tomorrow.”