Chapter 16: The Rescue Mission

Asher’s POV

Before I’m fully awake, I can tell something isn’t right. I feel empty and alone. I roll over to Harper’s side of the bed, and I realize it hasn’t been slept in all night. This isn’t like her; I know her night-time routine and being out all night isn’t part of it.

I’m out of bed without thinking. Either she is with Amaris or something terrible has happened to her. I don’t bother changing out of my pajamas or put shoes on before I leave the room.

I race through the hallways, calling out Harper’s name in hopes she is somewhere inside the compound. A door to my right opens and I skid to a halt. Amaris is looking at me sheepish, rubbing her eyes.

“What’s wrong, Asher?” She mumbles, “It’s too early in the morning to be listening to you yelling.”

“Harper is missing,” I say, frantic, “She didn’t come to bed last night. I assumed she was watching a movie with you.”