Chapter 14: For You, For The Party

Later that day, Adam summoned Abigail to his office.

“There are just some things we need to sort out,” Adam told his daughter as he motioned for her to sit down in the chair in front of his desk. “Like I said, some life formalities.”

“What do you mean?” Abigail asked her father, confused.

She sat down on the sofa he offered her, in front of a roaring fire. And she glanced to the three huge ring binders on the table.

“Before I show you these,” Adam said, placing his hand on one of the binders. “I need you to understand something. If you are at all like me, you would be much too proud to take a hand out. And I need you to understand that this is not what that is.”

Abigail made to object, already guessing her father was going to give her access to more money than she’d ever had in her entire life.