Chapter 26: Family Dinner

Abigail arrived back just after sunset, having watched it with Mark on the beach. And she had been more than a little disappointed to leave it for home.

Mark dropped her off outside the gates, refusing her offer to come inside for coffee. Abigail was saddened, but she understood entirely. It would have been a bit strange for a landscaper to drop his boss’ daughter off at home.

So Abigail waved him off at the gate, and turned and walked to the house. It was a bit of a walk, but she found she quite enjoyed it. The house really was beautiful, with the white stone and the most of the natural beauty of the grounds left undisturbed but cared for.

If it weren’t for her stepmother, she might have actually enjoyed staying here.

All too soon, she managed to make it to the front doors. Adam, Olivia and Charlotte were standing there, watching as Lyall climbed into his car, and the driver pulled away. She breathed a sigh of relief, her timing had been just right.