Chapter 28: Explanations

Olivia and Adam rushed in. Abigail was so shocked, she couldn’t respond to what was happening fast enough.

“What’s going on?” Olivia asked, panicking slightly. “What’s wrong?”

The poor man, covered in absolutely nothing but Abigail’s bedsheets, having grabbed them during Charlotte’s minute long scream, cradled his head. Like he was nursing a headache too.

“Get out!” Adam bellowed at the man.

That seemed to wake him from his stupor, and he quickly gathered his clothing and was gone out of the door in a moment, taking Abigail’s sheet with him. That was poor acting on his part, Abigail felt. If he had truly been hung over, with the amount of alcohol scattered all around them, he wouldn’t have been able to move so fast or coherently.

“She snuck that man in last night!” Charlotte answered Olivia, but was really talking to Adam, while actually screaming at Abigail.

Olivia looked stricken, glancing between her mother and Abigail, and well and truly, didn’t look too well herself.