Chapter 38: Rightful Place

Abigail stood outside her father’s office door. He was always in here, she realized. She had never once gone to him in his bedroom, not that she wanted to, given that she had heard even Charlotte was forbidden from coming to his personal bedroom. There was no reason to anger the woman very capable of poisoning her any further.

But Abigail wondered how he survived like this. How his entire life was only in the confines of two offices or a car. It was, more than likely possible, what made him the way that he was. Cold, shut off. It was how he lived his life, after all.

Gathering her strength, she knocked on the door. And after a moment, she heard an invitation to come.

Abigail turned the door and walked into the office.

“Abigail,” her father greeted her as she entered his office. “I was beginning to worry, I all but sent my team out again after you.”

“I appreciate the privacy,” Abigail told her father sincerely.