Chapter 43: Decisions

There was a lull of peace in their household now. Abigail wasn’t sure exactly how it had happened, or how long it was going to last, but she was grateful for it while it was here.

Charlotte hadn’t gone with them in to work again, not since she’d caused the disruption to Olivia’s schedule that cost the company ten million, and Adam had banned her from setting foot on the company grounds.

It hadn’t really affected the company that much, financially, since Abigail’s unintended information had garnered the company ten times that amount in the same time. But it had been embarrassing to Adam, and that had been where the blow had been felt the worst.

Charlotte liked company and the attention it brought, and she very quickly learnt that Abigail, Adam and Olivia had just started leaving the room she was in whenever she made drama. So she had taken to passing small comments, and leaving the major things alone.