Chapter 6: The Price of Freedom

The following morning, Waverly awoke to the sunlight blaring into her eyes while Felicity opened the large purple curtains that were covering the window.

“Good morning,” Felicity softly spoke as she bent over and opened the bottom glass pane. The birds that rested on the ledge below the window whistled back and forth, indicating another beautiful sunrise.

Waverly sat up in her bed, squinting at the bright haze shining through. She rubbed her eyes and stretched.

Felicity peered out at the sky above. “The clouds are still moving pretty fast out there.”

Waverly’s eyes began to gradually come into focus and she noticed her morning breakfast sitting on the single table: eggs and bacon. The smell filled the room, causing Waverly’s stomach to growl.

Felicity perceived Waverly’s stare and brought the tray to her. “Our Alpha thought it would be nice for you to have a morning meal that isn’t toast and oatmeal.” She chuckled and set the platter down on Waverly’s lap.

Waverly eyed the food on her plate and picked up her fork to inspect the contents. When she was assured it was safe, she set the fork back down. “Thank you,” she said.

Felicity smiled and began dusting the surfaces of the minimal number of items that occupied the room. “You’re welcome, miss.”

“You don’t have to call me that,” Waverly noted, her hands busily breaking open the yolks. “I know, I know, it’s probably protocol, but formalities have always rubbed me the wrong way. I’m Waverly.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Waverly,” Felicity replied.

Waverly took a bite of her bacon, speaking as she chewed. “And you’re Felicity…right?”

Felicity stopped working and faced Waverly, a stunned look upon her face. “H-how did you—”

Waverly motioned her head towards the door as she took another bite. Felicity followed her gaze and her expression changed to complete surprise.

“I knew someone was listening!” she whispered, almost reprimanding herself. “So, you heard…”

“About the curse?”

Felicity stared at Waverly, unmoving and unresponsive. Looking into her eyes, Waverly felt a small upsurge of guilt. Maybe she should’ve kept quiet. Except there was so much she didn’t know and she needed resolutions if she was to survive this ordeal.

“I’m sorry,” Waverly began. “I shouldn’t have eavesdropped…it’s just no one gives me straight answers in this place and as you said…I’m observant.”

Felicity stood still; her behaviour was stoic. Waverly set aside her tray and headed towards Felicity, her oversized pyjama pants trailing on the ground as she walked. She placed her hands on Felicity’s shoulders, just as her mother had done to her before she had left.

“I promise, I won’t say anything to your Alpha,” Waverly said. “That is, if I ever see him again.”

She subtly rolled her eyes and when Felicity didn’t react, Waverly focused her attention back on the woman in front of her. “Look, Felicity…I don’t want to get you in trouble, but I need to know more about this curse. Please. If I’m his mate…”

Felicity’s eyes moved from their focal point and she shook herself free from her haze. “I can’t.”

Waverly’s heart sunk. She dropped her hands to her side. “What do you mean?”

“I vowed to protect my Alpha.” Her eyes flickered towards Waverly’s, who noticed the green ring around her now dilated pupils. “Please don’t make me break that.”

Waverly was taken aback by the harsh, yet sincere tone in Felicity’s voice. Duty was something she understood very well and to force someone to abandon their promise, and more importantly, their Alpha, was something she was not prepared to do.

Waverly took a deep breath and nodded. “I understand. I’m sorry.”

Felicity left for the bed and took a hold of the tray that held an empty plate. “It’s okay. The Alpha will be here at noon and another servant will be around with your washed clothing shortly.” She led herself to the doorway and paused, giving Waverly a small smile as she exited. “Have a good day, miss.”

The door shut behind her and for the first time in the past three days, Waverly was grateful to be alone.


As the morning began to blend into the afternoon, Waverly grew more nervous. The last time she had seen the Crimson Wolf, he had locked her in this godforsaken room, and now he was what? Coming for tea?

Although for the past few days Waverly had fronted a courageous demeanour, inside, she increasingly became more fearful the longer she was kept here. What were his plans for her? Was she ever going to be free?

She saw everything she had ever dreamed of…seeing her pack, travelling the country…vanish in her mind. Not even the shadowed man came to her. Since her arrival in Trinity Mountains, Waverly hadn’t dreamt of him or drawn the set of eyes even once, and in her time in isolation, she had come to wonder whether it was a blessing or a sign of something worse.

Waverly sat on her recently prepared bed in, dressed in an oversized sweatshirt and black leggings, the same outfit that she had worn on the day she came to Trinity Mountains, and the only outfit, besides a pair of night clothes and jeans that she was able to bring.

Her hand traced a spot in the comforter, mimicking the likeness of a pencil, as she waited for the Crimson Wolf’s arrival and tried to occupy her thoughts. Then almost on cue, she heard the door lock click open. Her mind became a fluster, but she remained focused on the pattern of the bed to ease herself into relaxation.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed the Crimson Wolf enter the room and glanced around the space. Almost instantly, the atmosphere became heavy, causing Waverly to feel timid and nervous. He shut the door behind him and tucked the key back in his pocket. In his other hand, he held a small box of some sort, carved with old wooden runes. He remained in the same spot, unmoving and completely silent.

“So, you still exist,” Waverly stated, her eyes not looking up at her guest. It took most of her strength to keep her voice still and unwavering, in spite of her slightly shaking hands.

“I apologize for not coming sooner. I…had things to work out.” His voice was soft and deep, catching Waverly off guard. She lifted her gaze to see him examining her and the nervous feeling she had felt disappeared momentarily. His eyes were unlike any she had seen…but yet, her hands knew their exact outline, as if she had seen them a hundred times before.

She stopped tracing and placed her hands into her lap and motioned towards the box. “What’s that?” she asked.

The Crimson Wolf looked at the item in his hand. “It’s a sort of gift.”

A gift? That was not the answer she was expecting at all. Waverly took a moment and observed him, searching him over, questioning anything and everything that could be in that box. There was a 50/50 chance he was telling the truth, but there was just as big of a chance she could be proved horribly wrong.

He noticed her critical gaze and made his way up the small platform to her bed. Waverly cautiously moved over, not taking her eyes off of the Crimson Wolf, while he sat at the edge of her bed with his back towards her.

He unlocked the small clasp holding the box shut and lifted the lid. Waverly curiously leaned forward, peering over his shoulder. Her eyes widened once she saw a handful of gold and jewels glistening inside when they caught the sun’s rays.

“These were my mother’s,” he stated, keeping his back towards her. “They’re probably worth more than anything you’ll ever earn in your life.”

He turned around halfway and set them down on the bed. Waverly stared at the most beautiful jewels she had ever seen…rubies, pearls, sapphires, all sitting on a small pile of gold. As she was picking out each item in the case with her eyes, it moved towards her.

Waverly looked up to see the Crimson Wolf pushing the box in her direction.

“They’re yours,” he said, not removing his eyes from the box. “They will provide enough money for you and your pack to survive for years to come, maybe even rebuild some of your compound.”

Waverly didn’t speak. Instead, she stared at him, confused, trying to figure out his angle. Her pack? She would never see them again…what did her pack have to do with anything? He glanced up at her and saw the expression on her face. His eyes dilated as he spoke.

“You’re free.”