Chapter 15: Just Like a Girl

BEFORE I KNEW IT, I was opening my eyes to Friday morning. For a moment, I felt something was amiss. Then I realized what it was - no nightmares! They had been plaguing me on and off this week. Fortunately, they hadn't been bad enough to wake Dad.

I sent a heartfelt thank you out into the great unknown to whomever or whatever had helped me, because I was really grateful for the uninterrupted night of sleep. Sure enough, the mirror reflected that sleep really could do miracles.

By the time I headed downstairs, Dad had been long gone. He had left early so he wouldn't be stuck in the traffic that wound through the mountains toward Silicon Valley, where his office was located. It was a horrible commute.

A Post-it note stuck to the front door:

"Have a great day, Tru!

Lunch in the fridge!

Love, Dad"

I smiled and grabbed breakfast.