CAROLINE SNIFFLED BEFORE HER voice floated over to me in a whisper. "I've had some time to think about it, of course, and I've come to the understanding that she was just trying to protect you."
"From you?"
"Yes," she said a little louder. "I stupidly thought we could pick up where we left off, and, well ... it had been so long since I saw her last. You see, I lost touch with her when I started seeing Uriel, your father."
"Why would that matter?"
"It was just easier, I guess. When I chose him, I also chose his life of secrecy - at least from the human world. If we had remained involved in Lydia and James' lives, they would have begun to notice we were different. Human knowledge of supernaturals isn't allowed and it would have been unsafe for them to know of it."
"You must have really loved him to do that." I couldn't imagine giving up my family for anyone. But then I thought of Zander and I wasn't so sure anymore.