Chapter 187: Boyfriends Missed, Kissed, and Dissed

SOMEONE YELLED MY NAME. When I saw Bobby's girlfriend, Shrina, jogging toward me from the science building, I looked for a quick getaway, but found none. I sighed. Besides, she knew I'd seen her and taking off would just hurt her feelings. I'd been trying to avoid her ever since Bobby disappeared. Every time we talked, she acted like I could do something to find him, and I felt that I should be doing more about it, but I simply wasn't. I'd watched their relationship blossom and become the anchor that Bobby needed after years of depression. I'd been happy for them, then devastated when Bobby was taken. Seeing Shrina posting "Missing" posters around town intensified my guilty feelings. I was letting both of them down and whenever I talked to Shrina, I felt like the worst friend ever.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said, but her chin wobbled. "I-I was wondering if you'd remembered anything that might help the police."