Chapter 9

Ethan hated leaving Naomi without even saying goodbye, but Javier made sense when he said she needed space to come to grips with the recent events-and time to miss them. Ethan wrote his note and then almost shoved it up Javier's butt when he read his friend's. But then, he'd realized part of her getting to know him included realizing he didn't have the same flowery way with words Javier did. And, as his conscience reminded him, she hadn't yet fallen prey to Javier's charm, so perhaps his straight to the point methods would appeal. Or so he hoped.

Once at the sports complex, he couldn't concentrate on lacrosse practice. However, even at his worst, he still shone, catching and flinging the ball with speed and precision. He skipped the locker room after their two hour drills to hit the gym. He found comfort in the mind numbing sameness of exercise.

Thankfully, the weight room was virtually empty and his dark look had hurried out the few patrons. As he lifted weights and did his cardio, he indulged in thinking about Naomi, which, of course, brought about a hard-on of epic proportions and just aggravated his blue balls. Like Javier, he'd spent some time in the shower, jerking off, numerous times, not that it helped. He only had to think of Naomi to harden again.

It's not my fault. She's too damned hot.

Today he'd gotten a glimpse of the beauty he recalled from his first mesmerizing glimpse, which combined with his heated memory of her body spelled trouble with a capital T. He wanted her so freakn' bad, and not just because of the mating urge. That might have started the snowball rolling, but the more he heard her speak and the more she revealed of her stubborn, feisty nature, the more he simply wanted her.

Ethan didn't care for meek and submissive women. He abhorred those that feared him, especially since his code of honor dictated he'd never hurt one. Naomi appeared fearless and possessed a fascinating mind.

Unfortunately, the very things he admired about her meant he'd suffer an even harder battle trying to win her over. What did he, a muscle bound jock-with a university degree, so at least dumb didn't apply-have to offer her? He'd listened with dejection the previous evening on the phone as Naomi's mother detailed the things they had going against them. One, they were shifters. Two, they didn't mind violence and were damned good at inflicting it. Three, they had minds of their own. Four?

In other words, pretty much everything about them clashed with Naomi's list of requirements. However, as Meredith reassured them, Naomi just thought she wanted some meek and mild human. It was up to Javier and Ethan to show her why life with them would prove more fulfilling. Somehow, I don't think showing her my giant cock will sway her mind.

The only consolation in the whole fiasco was Javier didn't seem to enjoy any better luck. Naomi had clearly shown simple flattery and suave looks wouldn't make her melt.

Thankfully, Ethan didn't mind sharing with his best friend. They'd done almost everything together since their time at university, almost eleven years now, but while he didn't mind being part of a three-way, mating bond, he really hoped Naomi wouldn't shun him in favor of his slicker friend. Javier always knew the right things to say and do with a woman.

Somehow, between the two of them, they needed to convince her to give them a chance. To work together as a team to seduce and enthrall their spicy little wolf.

I need to woo her. Now if only he knew how. He'd done well with the Danishes this morning, a hint her mother had tossed his way when she'd called again this morning for an update. He hoped for even more clues to aid him in winning his woman when they met up with her family for dinner tonight.

He also figured he'd have to prove himself to Naomi's obviously overprotective father and brothers, but he'd jump over that hurdle when he hit it. One important thing he'd learned was no flowers, or chocolate, or any other things most women expected. Naomi didn't care for those trite offerings, but wandering through her home- almost austere in its decoration-he'd noticed one well-dusted curio cabinet filled with butterflies. Almost a dozen of them made of glass and so fragile he didn't dare even think of touching one.

But at least they'd given him an idea.

I might not have the words, but by damn, I'll make her like me.