In the midst of doing some yoga, Gina, currently bent over with her arms extended, frowned. Who the heck knocked? She rarely got visitors, and forget surprise ones. To access the building a person needed a key or have someone buzz them in. The impatient rap came again.
Curious, she unwound her body and padded over to the front door. Before opening it, she grabbed her gun off the sideboard and held it behind her before swinging open the portal. A cute, yet pissed off, Asian man pushed his way in past her.
"Won't you come in?" she said, with all the sarcasm possible.
"We need to talk," Jack growled.
"Fine, but do you mine taking off your shoes first. I just vacuumed."
Brows knitting together to form one annoyed slash, and lips tight, despite his annoyance, Jack bent over and removed his shoes. Grinning, she admired his ass as she slid her gun back into her junk basket.