First Stage: Limbo

It's the twentieth of November. Since the old man's puppet show, nothing eventful happened.

I spend the day as I normally would. Eat breakfast at the cafeteria, go to the library, explore other places on the second floor sometimes on the third, eat lunch then explore again and find something to do. And at the end of the day eat dinner and then go to my room.

Most people would think of it as a lazy but grand way of living which I would agree with.

Though most of the time I am with Finnley or reading in the library with Amelka, I also met others who share the same sentiment about this place.

One of them who I got closed with is a middle-aged man named Aran. He has brownish skin and is a bit shorter than me. His head is missing a lot of hair around the middle and there is a huge mole on the left side of his big nose.

Aran is a gentle and kindhearted man. He was one of the few who has a disgusted face when that old man played with a severed head. I even saw him puke beside his seat, he also cleaned it himself when I was on my way to the library.

I have been talking with Aran since the day after the old man's puppet show.

It was on the way to the cafeteria where Aran and I first spoke. I was still bothered by what happened back then. Inside the elevator, I stood beside Aran, he seemed to have noticed me as well when I ran to the toilet notwithstanding what I saw.

"Are you okay?"

Aran looked at me, you could see how worried he was through his eyes. As if he was asking a child of his.

"Uhm. Yes," I replied with a smile.

"I saw you rushed towards the toilet yesterday."

"Well, I saw you puke in your seat," I said.

We both took a pause, maybe out of awkwardness. After a few seconds, both Aran and I were chuckling in the elevator.

As he finished chuckling, Aran looked at me with a smile.

"I cleaned it though," he said.

After that, we have been talking with each other. He even told me that I reminded him of his own son back home. Maybe because we were the same age. We also talked about how we were brought to Hell's Oasis.

Aran told me about his case. They were old-school farmers, some rich bastard has been ruining their crops since he wanted Aran to sell his land to him. Out of anger, Aran's son beat the rich guy almost to his death.

The rich guy was in a coma and his son was distressed after realizing how grave the punishment will be for what he did against a rich family. When the police arrived Aran admitted to the crime his son committed and took the fall. Resulting in him being charged with life in prison.

Although Aran's son disagreed and tried to be punished himself for the crime he committed, Aran talked him out and told him to worry about his own little girl.

Part of his sentence is that he isn't allowed any visitors and is isolated from his family or friends.

His story was a typical one about a Father's love.

Learning about this year's Hopeful Homicide, Aran decided to take his chances in winning the death games rather than rotting inside a prison cell. He also wanted to show himself and tell his family he loves them for the last time in case he perish in the death games.

Finnley also knows Aran. We both decided to ask him to join our alliance which Aran accepted with gratitude. Just like that, we met another member of our alliance.

Days pass in a blink of an eye. Already on the twenty-ninth of November, only a day remains before the death game begins. As the day drew closer my heart's beating became louder. Is it pure nervousness and worry, or somewhere within, maybe there's mild anticipation of what'll happen?

On the morning of the twenty-ninth, after eating breakfast and heading to the library I sat at the table where Amelka always sits. This time I was the first one to be there. It's a blessing not meeting with Toby. Soon as I saw Amelka walk on the aisle and directly to the shelf looking for a book, I decided to ask her something.

"Do you wanna join our alliance?" I said.

She was unresponsive. Browsing the shelf for a bit then picking out another thick book to read. Amelka sat on the chair she always sat at. Seems like she has a thing for a personal spot.

Thinking that she didn't hear what I said, I decided to ask her again.

"Uhm. Amelka, do you wanna join our alliance?" I said it louder this time.

Amelka paused. She closed her book and looked straight into my eyes with her emotionless beautiful face. I felt her gaze stare deep into my soul.

In return, I also just stared at her. She was silent for a minute or two. Amelka then has this insincere smile on her face, it was adorable. Her insincere smile comes with her head nodding for seconds.

"She's not mute, right?", I subconsciously said aloud what was on my mind.

The place suddenly became cold. I only realized that I have said those words aloud when I looked at Amelka's face. It was the same, the emotionless one. But somehow I could feel her anger. Her eyes this time were like arrows that are trying to pierce through me.

To avoid my situation becoming direr, I laughed in a hysterical manner.

"It's just a joke, I know you can talk. You even told me your name. And you sometimes say something back."

She laughed. This time it was longer. Though she was covering her face with the book as she was laughing I could hear it and just looked at her with a smile. After removing the book covering her face and placing it back on the table, Amelka spoke.

"I was just joking as well."

"I didn't know you could joke," I replied with a peal of forced laughter.

Amelka didn't say anything afterward and only focused on her book. I wish for more days like this.

The entire day of the thirtieth went normally. Though, you could feel the change in the atmosphere. Some were excited and could not wait to be in the death game. While there are also those who are nervous to the point where they appeared to have become lifeless.

We were gathered later in the evening. The VIP box is also protruded out of the wall. There are no tables or chairs on the first floor. On the platform stands the warden, Andrei Fraser. With him is Genjo Tazawa on his left and another man on his right side.

The man on Andrei Fraser's right has long blond straight hair and almost milky white skin. Wore a suit in full white and has a face of a celebrity. He is also tall, maybe as tall as Finnley.

I could see the shift in Finnley's expression as soon as he saw the other guy. Finnley was gritting his teeth and had this terrifying glare.

Andrei Fraser readied himself by fixing his bow tie and the monocle he wore. Before speaking Andrei cleared his throat in an exaggerated manner.

"Everyone, tomorrow will be the start of your punishments. Beside me are the two head facilitator for the games."

The warden told us a brief introduction to the man on his right side since we already know Genjo Tazawa.

Arlo Fletcher. He is in charge of the Hopeful Homicide itself. In Hell's Oasis resides a huge number of geniuses around the world. Some are even the pioneers of Deep Dive Virtual Reality. They have geniuses in every field of technology. Be it Virtual Reality, Memory Alteration Technology (MAT), security, and other fields. And within Hell's Oasis, Arlo Fletcher is in charge of these geniuses.

On the other hand, Genjo Tazawa is in charge primarily of the guards and somehow shares the responsibility of securing the prison with Arlo. But in his case, it was physical security by deploying the guards whereas Arlo is in charge of the technology used for the prison's security. Still, the warden stands above both of them.

After talking about Arlo, the warden also talked about another matter.

"How can you all be so stupid," the warden said while he was chuckling.

The warden talked about how a lot of the prisoners were talking about escaping or taking over the prison. He was disappointed as he explained that the collars could record everything we say. And his staff monitors everything.

He even played a recording of two prisoners' conversations. It was all insults about him and a plan of killing him and taking over the prison.

Andrei said he would have brushed it off since it was always how most prisoners' conversations go. Below a hundred would've remained if he decided to kill everyone who talked trash about him and the prison. But the two prisoners mentioned something with utmost importance to Andrei.

The warden's face became serious, "These two morons, they said they were part of that vile organization 'Thisember'."

Thisember, an existence known by many, yet no one really has any information about them. A hidden organization whose leader and main goal are unknown. They are the thorn in the throats of many countries' governments.

Exposing the corrupt, killing most of them and their kin, and doesn't care how many civilians were caught up in their flames or whatever diabolical method to use as long as they get the job done. Some call them "Terrorists". To some they are liberators. But what's certain is that this organization is terrifying.

Whenever this group would do something, they always leave their symbol. An emblem that depicts a man being burned to death. Together with the phrase, "We are endless, join us or burn."

After hearing the organization's name both of the prisoners realized it was them, and they tried to escape towards the glass door which is always open. Soon as they stepped out of the door, instead of chopping their head, the collar exploded.

Their brains splatter around the glass door. It looked like ground meat which was scattered even at the top part of the door's frame. I was looking at it with a little crinkling of my face.

"You seem fine," Finnley said.

I was a bit startled, "Yeah, I feel like I have gotten used to it a bit."

Even I was confused about how I reacted. It took me little experience to be "used" to seeing something gruesome.

The warden ordered some of the guards to clean the mess up. He continued grilling everyone on how dumb he thought we were. But mostly talked about how furious he is about the organization, Thisember.

Though no matter how mad the warden looks, I could feel how afraid he is. It must be because he felt the pressure of being targeted by Thisember. A group that has never failed in accomplishing its objectives.

Authorities are so frightened by this group that anyone proven to be a member is said to be killed on the spot without second thoughts. Though it was just speculation before since no one has heard any news about a member being caught or sentenced, I guess what the warden did is enough proof.

"Look at how easily I caught Thisember's goons. As I said. I am your God, King, or whatever it is, I own your lives."

Everyone's glare was evident, yet no one dares to say or do anything against the warden, Andrei Fraser. They're just like dogs growling in anger since their owner fed them expired food.

"Anyway, including the two idiots just now to the deceased..."

Arlo showed the warden something on his tablet, "Only five-thousand-one-hundred-twelve players remain, so at least give us a good show!"

With that, the warden ended his speech and we were told to return to our rooms.

Even with the comfort of the soft bed, it took quite some time for me to finally manage to sleep.

I am sure it was pretty early. Someone entered my room and woke me up. She is one of the staff in this prison. Wearing full white clothes and her face is covered with a mask.

I was told to ready myself and lay on the other bed where the VR equipment is placed. The VR helmet is comfortable. The woman stuck something around my arms and legs. Then she activated the device.

It felt as if I am falling into a deep sea. Then suddenly woke up in front of a huge castle. Around me were the other prisoners. Surrounding the castle are humungous stone gates.

With a lot of other people surrounding me, I could only see three of the gates but I am sure there are more. The inside of the gates is not visible it just shone out a blinding white light.

Being freed from the collar is also refreshing.

A lot of the players around me were touching or pinching themselves. As if trying to confirm that inside this ruthless virtual reality game, their senses are retained. I was different, from the start I knew that what Genjo said was genuine. What I felt is a sudden and random flow of nostalgia.

Chastity, Diligence, and Kindness were labeled at the top of the three gates I could see. I am facing in front of the gate labeled with diligence.

Looking around for my promised allies I tried to shout out their names.

"Finn! Amelka! Ara-"

"Hey shut up!"

Startled, I didn't continue shouting since I'm afraid of being targeted by anyone in the crowd.

Few moments in, a sudden notification popped up in front of me, it was in the form of a holographic screen.

First stage: Limbo, is written at the top.