Murder Show

It took us a while but we managed to get Finnley out of his binds, and I wholeheartedly admit that it was my fault. Everyone decided to rest for a bit to replenish their strength and energy, including me, of course.

On the other hand, Finnley and Jin feel refreshed and full of energy after taking the first aid pill. They said it's like waking up from a very satisfying slumber

While resting, we told Finnley and Jin what happened. How they've been paralyzed after looking at the tower. Though what we didn't see was the actual thing that paralyzed them.

"The last thing I remember seeing is… Ah! The tower emitted a red light," Finnley said.

Jin held his braided long hair and placed it in front of his body, "Same." He said.

We already know that the gust of wind is not the culprit that made both Finnley and Jin become statue-like. But, we didn't know what exactly the culprit is. Now we all know that it's due to the tower emitting a red light.

Thinking about this, made me remember the other players that became affected by the charm. I told everyone what I saw. How those players turned to real stone. Then after the gust of wind, they crumbled into fine sand becoming part of the barren wasteland.

"I guess no looking at the tower then," Urick said.

Finnley agrees, "Yeah when you hear the thunder noises, look away from the tower," he said.

Fionn stood up and with a grin on his face he said,

"I don't think they'll do it again."

Sitting at my right, Aran looked at him with a face marked by curiosity. "Why do you think so Fionn?" he asked.

Everyone waited for what Fionn will about to say. Though when I looked at Finnley his expression tells that he already has a clue why Fionn said it. I also have an idea about what Fionn means.

"Don't you people watch this exciting murder show, Hopeful Homicide?"

Aside from Finnley, I could feel the confusion from everyone else. Well, I couldn't tell what Amelka thinks so I just assumed she felt confused as well.

"Bro, why you tryna act mysterious," Urick said then paused for a second, "Just tell us, kid."

While staring at Urick, Fionn replied, "It's not my fault that you guys are dumb."

"This kid really! I should give you some good smacking so that you could get some good manners!"

Instead of a heated argument like earlier. Urick and Fionn's conversation felt like silly banter. I guess everyone else thought the same as they just listened.

"Just tell us," Jin said.

"Like I said. We're in Hopeful Homicide. A show."

Hopeful Homicide, just like what I've always said, the people behind these gruesome death games prioritize the entertainment and attention of the masses. Which will turn into money. Though Fionn sounds like an asshole who thinks that he knows it all, he's not wrong.

Yes, they could repeat the same "challenge" but in all the years that I've watched Hopeful Homicide, I've never seen an exact replica of a challenge. I've seen improved versions or challenges that are somehow reminiscent but very different.

Urick's forehead wrinkled and he moved his head a little backward,

"You saying they won't do it again 'cause it's a show?" he said.

Still, with a grin, Fionn nods his head once, "That's right," He replied.

Everyone just thought about what Fionn said.

"Nah… That's bullshit."

Fionn didn't say anything after Urick's remark. While the others are quiet and still thinking about it as they also rest.

Aran, still beside me, gave a tap on my shoulder.

"What do you think, Gray?"

I smiled, "I think the same as Fionn. But we cannot be too sure."

Since it has been silent for over a minute, Finnley stood up.

"I think Fionn is right. I've also watched six of the previous Hopeful Homicides. And I could not remember seeing a stage or trial that is exactly the same. But it is not farfetched to think that they could start doing it now. So, let's take precautions and not look at the tower when it activates."

As a reply to Finnley's words, I could see everyone nod their head in agreement.

Jin crossed his arms. His eyes slowly looked upwards, "But, how did you get us out of the tower's spell?".

Aside from Amelka, I saw everyone have a smile on their faces. Though, Fionn always has a grin on his face as if it is his default feature.

Finnley sat down, he looked at us, "I'm also curious. The moment my consciousness returned, I've been tied up properly."

He glimpsed at Amelka and then looked at me. And with a smile, "Also, Gray and Amelka are behind me pushing my body to the ground," He said.

We told them what happened after the second activation of the tower. How they've become mindless creatures trying to find and attack us. And how we realized that the first aid pill we received could get them out of their trance.

"We thought we could bind you with the rope so we could make you swallow the pill," I said.

Though I do most of the talking, Urick and Aran sometimes say something in between. Urick even mentioned how much of a "pain in the ass" Jin was. And that he's been drained just trying to stop him from moving.

After the discussion, Jin approached Urick. He has his first aid pill on his hand.

"Thank you," he said, then stretched out his hands trying to give the pill to Urick. Gladly, Urick took the pill and put it in one of his pockets.

"I still owe you one," Jin said as he placed his hand on Urick's shoulder.

In response, Urick smiled and tilted his head upwards accompanied by his eyebrows.

At the same time, Finnley approached me. He sat on my left in between Amelka and me. Then Finnley leaned closer to my ear.

"I would love to give you my pill… But I've already used it back when we were up against the zombies," he whispered.

Since I realized that he didn't want the others to hear what he was saying, I replied in a soft voice.

"It's fine. But, you already used your pill? I thought we left unscathed on the first wave?"

"First wave?" Finnley asked.

"Ah. Against the fighting zombies. I noticed that the next trial activated after more than an hour. And like when we were up against the zombies, multiple activations of the tower happens within minutes. So, I just called the trial against the zombies the first wave, and now against you and Jin, the second wave. Probably a new one after an hour or so, from now. But it's still just speculation since I'm just basing it on the second one. Maybe, the third wave would happen after two or more hours. Or maybe less."

When I realized that I have been blabbering while staring at the distance, I stopped and looked at Finnley.

"Oh. Sorry," I said with a chuckle.

Finnley's smiling face greeted me. "No. Listening to you is fun. You're very smart," he said.

Embarrassed, I just smiled and scratched the back of my head.

While Finn and I are talking, Fionn stood up and looked in the distance. Urick lay down again and the others remained sitting on the medium-sized rocks, staring at the ground and without saying anything. Though, I could see Amelka taking a glimpse at me and Finnley.

Even though time has passed, the area still has the same weather and atmosphere as how it is when we first arrived on the stage.

"So yes, on the first wave. I've used my pill," Finnley said.

"When? I didn't see you get injured though?"

"Well. When our formation broke, I got startled and the critter managed to stab me in the chest. I felt like my lung was hit so I immediately swallow the pill."

"Ah. That's when…"

Finnley knows what I was about to say and just replied, "Yes."

After a few more minutes of rest, we decided to proceed with the quest. Our rest after the brawl against the mindless Finnley and Jin lasted for around fifteen minutes. Before leaving, Finnley told everyone what I said about the "waves" from the tower and how long the next one occurred after the first. With that, we speculated the third one to happen an hour or more from now.

Though we could only feel if an hour passed since we do not have anything to tell the time. But it's not a problem for me since I have a good grasp of time. You know, like a unique and somehow useless ability. With a bit of thought and recalling the events that happened combined with silly calculations, I'm capable of guessing or having an approximation of how much time has passed since a certain event.

And more often than not, I'm only off by a small margin. Well, if it's only for a duration of two days from the present. Any more than that, I advise you not to trust me.

In the end, Finnley also told everyone that I was the one who said it.

We walked. Through the huge rocks and sandy wasteland. The huge trees from the distance don't seem to be getting closer. For almost an hour of walking, nothing hinders us from our quest.

I looked at the tower to see how much progress we've made.

"Carnal Tower"

"An ancient structure that absorbs malice and releases it back to the world."

"Distance: 181 Kilometers"

It's still so far away, I thought.

The ones at the front, Jin and Urick, stopped.

"There's a slanted cliff," Jin said.

Finnley walked faster to catch them. "Can we wrap around?" he asked.

But as we reached the edge and looked at both sides, we couldn't even see where it ends.

"Maybe it is all around the map," Aran said.

He could be right. We have no choice but to go down the slope. It looks like it isn't that hard to go down anyway. The slope could be around a sixty-degree angle. And it's also not that very high. Maybe fifty meters or so.

From the cliff, we could see other players in the distance. They're walking really a bit slow and carefully. As we were about to go down the cliff. Everyone heard a hissing sound, like air slipping out of a chamber. It gradually became louder.

"What the hell!" Urick exclaimed.