Blessing From the Gods

The thunderous sound woke our spirits. We were dead tired, but soon as we heard it, our adrenaline took over.

Naturally, our bodies faced the tower. Though no one forgot to cover their eyes using their hand or by just looking away.

Urick seems to have had enough, "The hell's going on?" he said, it sounded different. Almost as if he's now truly pissed.

Siti also didn't bother letting us know what was on her mind. As she whined and spoke aloud, "Again? I'm so tired! Fuck! Let us have a break first!" she said, accompanied by showing her middle finger into the sky.

On the other hand, Finnley didn't spout a whine of disappointment, instead, he realized something which I also did.

"It's not coming from the tower."

With Finnley's words, most of the people in our group looked at the tower driven by curiosity about what Finnley said.

The tower's not surrounded by dark clouds. And when you listen closely, the thundering noise is not coming from it.