Shaking Ground

Dark clouds formed surrounding the tower. Then, as always, the thunderous sound echoes from it. Yet no thunderstrikes could be seen.

"Oh boy, here it comes," Urick said.

When the sound that came from the tower stopped, we all knew what will come after. The gust of wind it sends to blow us is a bit harsher this time. But, it isn't as annoying when there are grains of sand trying to call every hole in our bodies their home. The gust of wind is strong enough for every player in the area to stop and balance themselves. Including the groups ahead of us.

When I looked back, I saw the two remaining players from Siti's previous group. They joined a different one that already has five people in it. It is one of the groups that decided to take some rest after passing through the distorted wall. But, they also copied us and moved a little bit away from the said wall. Giving them enough time and space to react if something similar to the third wave happens.