Stared From Above

"Dang! Talk about timing."

What is it going to be this time? I thought.

As the thundering noises end, the tower sends its compulsory gust of wind. The wind didn't move the sea of fog from above, but we could hear it pass as it informs us with its howl.

The wind ended. We braced ourselves with our combat knife on our dominant hand and a poison gas bomb on the other.

Still inside the maze made of potato-like walls, we stood at the intersection of the three paths and have someone watch over each of the paths to detect any possible threat.

Minutes passed since the end of the gust of wind, yet nothing seems to appear in front of us. But this doesn't mean that nothing is also happening to everyone else in this maze.

"W-what should we do? Should we just go now?" Siti said.

I was about to say that what I think is our best choice is to wait and see first. But, before I could speak, Amelka did. Her voice is a bit louder than usual.