Fifth Wave

The thundering sound that came from the tower alerted the three of us. It made us turn in the direction of the tower. Again, dark clouds formed around it, and similar to the previous waves where the tower was visible, there isn't anything that indicates lightning being formed inside the dark clouds.

All three of us stared at the tower as it informed us of its activation.

I took a glance at Siti. Her eyes are still closed while her mouth is opened for a little. The sound of the tower's activation is loud enough to wake you up and be alerted, yet, it seems like it isn't loud enough to wake Siti up. Aside from being in pain and exhausted, I guess Siti was telling the truth about being a heavy sleeper. Although I wanted to let her get more rest, we all need to be prepared for whatever the fifth wave will bring.

"Hey, wake up," I said as I gently tapped Siti at the shoulder. But, there was no response from her.