Chapter 61

Amanda watched gleefully as the blue alien tried to run with his mind-controlled human slave. They wouldn't go far. The place was surrounded. Her father, the general, would be so proud. Disgusting alien creature. She still couldn't understand why her former best friend and now this simpleminded Latina fell for them. It had to be an alien virus or psychic power of some type. What else could explain their behavior? She certainly felt nothing except disgust for the ET.

Impatient at having to wait, she wished the damned civilians would get out of the way faster. She couldn't give the order for her detachment to shoot the tranqs they were armed with 'til they had a clear shot. Too many witnesses and flashing cameras.

But she wasn't worried. There was nowhere for them to go. Not unless he suddenly sprouted wings. And that was when the universe decided to work against her.