Chapter 87

Penny awoke with a smile, her body sensitized from the all-night lovemaking. She'd orgasmed more times than she would have ever thought humanly possible. She hoped she'd also managed to change Reg's outdated ideas on women's roles. She'd lectured him at length on the advance of women's rights back on Earth in between bouts, and he'd listened to her, even if his gaze tended to stray to her naked body parts. She was pretty sure she'd managed to make him understand logically the reasons why they should stay together in space, and then to add sugar to sweeten the deal, she'd shown him physically.

I can't believe he expected me to become some kind of Suzie Homemaker popping out babies. My research on the effects of space travel on pregnancy and children, rare as those cases seem to be, doesn't lead me to believe there's any reason why we can't continue on to travel the galaxy, which is where I know Reg wants to be.