
Chapter 20

Nathan's heart stuttered at her declaration. Is she finally ready to let me claim her?

"You go after her. I'll meet you back at the house," John said. "Good luck."

"Thanks, man." Nathan gave his friend a respectful nod but didn't linger. He had a feisty woman to catch. Mine. Nathan took off after Dana and had to work to keep up because she ran like the wind even on two legs. She gave no warning about her intention to shift. One moment, she sprinted. The next, clothing burst from her in tatters, and a golden wolf went bounding off into the woods that were a part of the compound.

Damn, she's gotten fucking good at shifting. Considering she'd lived alone for the last twelve years, she'd mastered her wolf side better than those who'd lived with it a lifetime. Nathan followed suit, his clothes shredding as his muscles thickened and his bones reshaped. He landed on four paws, his senses even more acute, and continued to give chase.