
Chapter 34

Twenty-four hours earlierÉ

Bailey looked around her one-bedroom apartment and sighed. Friday night, and once again, she found herself alone. And not just alone but without even a television for entertainment because hers had decided to die after a bright burst of light on the screen shrank until only a black reflective surface stared back at her. Replacing it at eight thirty on a Friday seemed foolish-and piteous. However, without it to numb her mind, exactly what would she do with the rest of her evening? The thought of reading didn't appeal, and neither did going to bed or staring at her wall.

I could go see a movie. Alone? That seemed too pathetic even for her.

Just a month ago, none of this would have required any thought. She'd have either spent the evening with her boyfriend, Tom, or called her girlfriend Becky to go out. Not anymore, although chances were Tom and Becky were hanging out-together. The two-timing jerks.