
Chapter 43

The next time she woke, Bailey feigned sleep and listened to . . . nothing. She let out her pent-up breath. It embarrassed her to know she'd fainted, but the shock over discovering she'd gone missing for five days still made her tremble.

What happened to me?

That question kept repeating itself over and over in her mind. A blank slate met her mental queries. Could Gavin and his friend have lied? Possibly, after all, what did she know of her blond cowboy and his friends? Up to this point, she'd assumed he told her the truth, but what if he deceived her? Perhaps he belonged to the plot to kidnap her and had simply lulled her into thinking he was her savior.

If that were the case, then she was in big freaking trouble. Yet, her inner radar for danger remained silent. Should she trust her gut or her mental musings?