
Chapter 64

"I can't wait until we take care of Roderick. I can't stand seeing her so miserable," Wyatt grumbled, feeling like a useless idiot bumbling in the darkness looking for rogues who had, once again, vanished without a trace.

"Tell me about it. The whole mating bond means I feel how sad and uneasy she is all the time. It's not fair. I can't believe she'd do something to betray us," Parker added.

"Not her, Roderick. I hate it as much as you guys, but I get the feeling it won't be long now. Nathan is convinced the bastard is hiding close by, and given the way he keeps jabbing at our defenses, I agree."

"But where?" Wyatt griped. His frustration got the better of him, and he punched the trunk of a tree, splintering the bark.

"He's got balls, that's for fucking sure."

"And wolves to waste," Parker added.