Nathan hung up the phone and leaned back in his office chair. On days like these, the mantle of alpha and leader hung heavy.
"What's wrong?" Dana, his mate and the love of his life, came into the room and draped herself on his lap. Her hands cupped his cheeks and tilted his face until she could see his eyes.
"I just finished talking to Trent."
"The guy who left to find his brother?"
He nodded, unsmiling, for the situation with Trent and his friends still preyed on him. He'd labeled the men rogue, had to lest anyone call him weak. But, dammit, how he'd wanted to do the opposite and help them. Help them strike back against his twisted father. Their current stalemate with Roderick chafed, but experience had taught him that the vampire seemed to know one step in advance what they planned. So even though it burned him to do it, it was safest for Trent and the others to leave as a small group, outcasts to any prying eyes. They'd only partially succeeded.