
Chapter 112

The awful presence in Marc's head vanished. He could have sobbed in relief as it left, the heavy weight forcing him to do its bidding, an evil entity intent on using him to further his murderous agenda. Trapped within his own mind, Marc couldn't even scream for help. He could do nothing, nothing but watch as he betrayed his friends and bear silent witness as he destroyed a burgeoning relationship, cringe in horror as he did unspeakable things and all because of a warped being with a hard-on for revenge and power.

But that had been last night, before the battle between the free wolves and the mind-controlled ones. In the end, good had prevailed. Roderick died, and the rogue wolves got back what was left of their minds, which, in many cases, amounted to not too much. Some died in those first few hours of liberty from fighting amongst themselves, others from suicide-who wanted to live with atrocities on their conscience?-and the rest scattered.