The newly born wolf ran. And ran. And ran some more her first night of freedom. The fresh air, crisp and clean, burned her lungs as she exerted herself, but it burned in a good way. A free way.
It felt so good to have escaped. To bathe in the light of the moon. To lap at the cold water of the stream and chase down the squirrel for sport and much-needed food.
As to the annoying buzz in her head that pounded and cried, the wolf ignored her. The weak one wasn't in charge anymore. She was. And she had no intention of relinquishing control anytime soon.
She wouldn't be imprisoned again.
It wasn't until the dawn that she slowed her mad dash, her limbs finally tiring. A rocky outcropping provided an alcove for shelter where none could sneak up on her. She curled into a ball, muzzle tucked onto her forelegs, and closed her eyes, trusting in her hearing and senses to alert her if danger approached.