
Chapter 140

Despite the knock to her head, Toni understood they were in deep shit. Just one problem, she was too muddled to do anything about it. Through the ringing in her ears, she vaguely heard the word ambush and Thad's admonition to stay in the truck. Thing was staying in the truck wasn't a guarantee of protection. Evil lurked outside, and she could feel the nudge of it at the edge of her mind.

Knock, knock. Who wants in?

It wasn't Thaddeus. She knew his touch; it was gentle and not creepy. This mind probe reminded her more of Roderick's methods. Like a battering ram coated in slime. Someone on the impromptu battleground was trying to take over her mind. But who?

Taking in deep breaths, she managed to calm the spinning in her head, enough so she could open her eyes without wanting to throw up. She wanted to shut them just as quickly.