Grand Architect?

4n4lyz1ng#&1D: 1d3n71f13rG00S3…

N4m3: %(¡Joshua Drummings)&/‡

5sp3c1e5: "%/human…

4g3: 18 Earth years, considered a young mature human by earth standards…

Huh? Am I imagining things?

4ttr16ute5: imaginative, resourceful, stupidly prideful, intelligent, sheltered, extremely unwise. Pr0c3551ng…

I'm not im not unwise!, what the hell!

J0b: Food transportation excelling at speed of delivery ...

3xp3r13nc3: Head of the class in 4th stage of academic development…, employee of the month an earth year, 3 months and 17 days ago.

This is bullying… I'm being bullied by my own mind… again.



"Where is that coming sound... coming-" was the last thing Joshua thought before an all-consuming darkness made him fall down right where he stood, which sadly for him was the set of stairs from outside the pizza place where he worked.

** St4rting-br1efing-protoc0l. **

"What is this thing?" Joshua said, slightly horrified, slightly intrigued, and very much confused by all that he was reading / hearing.

** Gener4ting brief1ng according to sy5t3m needs and par4meter5, and optim1zing informat10n transfer for human brain **

A system? What does that mean? What kind of system? What the f*ck was going on around him? Hell, where even was he, all he could see around him was a blank room, how did he know it was a room if he couldn't even see the limits of it? It was unclear, but he just seemed to know.

"Focus, Joshua, that doesn't seem to be important!" he said, trying to gather himself as much as he could.

While he tried to gather his thoughts a voice or text or... perhaps just pure information suddenly appeared in his mind, but no matter how hard he tried he genuinely couldn't know at all what it was, and he felt that his head was working overtime for him to even comprehend the things that were appearing in his mind.

*## You are th3 Head 4dministrator 0f the system. ##*

*## Your job is t0 adjust and exp4nd the system for human use. ##*

*## this task is to be dOn3 b3f0re 15 years ##*

"W-what?" he thought or said, he now understood what most of that meant, but for some reason his brain couldn't quite comprehend it yet. He grabbed his head, or so he thought, trying to nurse a headache that was coming over him, "I really wish I could get all of this in written, it'd be so much easier" Joshua thought, he had always been quite good at remembering things from books and such, and it would be much less of a headache inducing thing than whatever it was happening in his brain.

*## An4lyzing request, b45ic configuration of the system set to "Written", analyzing language, an4lyzing lay0ut configurat1on. all s3t, implem3nting ch4nges ##*

** Basic configuration complete **

"This thing… can read my thoughts?" Joshua thought "that's slightly concerning, not to say very rude"

The system had changed once already because of him, so, perhaps he could do it again? "Don't read my thoughts" Joshua thought to the system

** Setting system to vocal command mode **

** Codifying Mental space to allow voice simulation to be separated from mind devices **

After reading and processing what he was reading he thought for a moment, whatever this was, it seemed computer like, perhaps he should use… commands? Or maybe not, it seemed to at least understand what he thought, and if he understood correctly, now it understood what he said, so he hesitantly asked "what are you?"

** Processing **

** Query Detected **

** Looking for suitable answer **

** I am/ this is/ we are/ the system for human defense, part of the $&%$#&! **

** Waiting for input… **

Human defense? Huh, it had said something about earth years, though he did not understand most of that part, it just felt wrong, probably because his brain was not wired to get such stimulus? That meant that this… system thing did not know how humans worked or how to pass information effectively to them? Was that what the Head Administrator was? A beta tester of some sort? A Tester that made changes?... he needed more information

"Stop the whole "processing" and "query" thing, also, what is the head Administrator's job? And why am I the administrator anyway?"

** Confirmed**

** Looking for suitable answer **

** The Head Administrator is the one charged with making the System suitable for human use in order to defend against the $&%$#&! threat **

** You have been chosen at random **

** You may not reject being the Head Administrator, it is your duty to push humanity to defend the world against the $&%$#&! threat as you see fit **

** Waiting for input… **

"F*ck" he thought, "what does that even mean?" to say he was confused would be the understatement of the century.

The system seemed to suggest that humans were in some sort of danger, but what use would the system be to defend humans? And what could he, a simple pizza delivery guy, do about it? Joshua sighed "try to look the bright side… at least I wasn't isekai'd or something of the sort, that would suck so much… imagine being taken from your friends and family to fight for some world that isn't yours and people that you don't know, not that I have friends, or family... close family that is."

Where even was he, by the way?

"Where am I? System" he asked, slightly disturbed by his surroundings, or lack of it

**Looking for suitable answer…**

**User is in the system basic arrangement area (part of the greater system area) in which the user will find it easier to contact / connect / synchronize with the system as a whole, making it easier to make changes **

**In order to snap back to reality, the user must finish the basic configuration of the system**

**Warning: do keep in mind that the system must strengthen human characteristics in order to maximize the possibility of survival against the $&%$#&! threat, this is the primary objective the Head Administrator must keep in mind **

** Warning: do keep in mind that after exiting the System Area, all changes to the system will need Super-Modular Energy which the system can create by exchanging MAN energy**

**The Head administrator also may use modular alternative Nano-Biological (MAN) energy, in large quantities to make changes to a lesser extent, this energy resides in this universe in a hidden dimension of sorts and may be manipulated by certain species**

** Do keep in mind that the vast majority of humankind lacks the capacity to manipulate MAN energy, and those select individuals who are able to, can only manipulate minute amounts of it. **

Right, right, of course, MAN energy, right.

Right then and there, Joshua felt that if he went around calling it MAN energy he'd get into a lot of trouble real soon, so he decided to just… not touch that one with a stick "from now on change all references of the MAN energy into MANA energy or just Mana for short"

** Request Accepted **

So, basically, the system's whole thing was making humans stronger, right? Joshua was quite the avid fan of LitRPGs and cultivation novels, so he at least had a few ideas about how to strengthen others. Of course, he doubted the system could help a human swallow the sun or creating universes in his belly button and such, but that was not what Joshua wanted.

Making someone able to lift a bit more or to think better and faster would strengthen a person a lot so and humanity as a whole even more, if he made it based on an RPG's system of progression maybe he could accomplish his objective.

Assuming the system could impart knowledge, which it most likely did, being an alien system and all, perhaps he could make a system of skills ranging from mundane things such as cooking, to martial arts, swordsmanship, and such.

If he could indeed do the things that he wanted to do, that could change everything, and by everything, Joshua meant EVERYTHING, every big and small facet of life could change, he could stop being a simple pizza delivery guy, an unlucky one at that, and become the architect of this brave new world. Goodbye, Mr. no-friends and hello Grand Adventurer and mastermind of the human world, Defender of the human race, Protector of us all!

Best of all, nobody had to know he was the one doing all these things! Joshua generally had no problem accepting criticism, the problem was that, Joshua knew himself, he was actually VERY accepting of criticism, to the point where he would change his mind very easily, making him slightly fickle, however it was different when nobody was criticizing him directly to his face.

This would do, it most certainly would, but perhaps Joshua was getting ahead of himself, if he was to do this he should first establish a solid foundation from which to erect his ideas and plans. Sure, some could say that perhaps this all was getting to his head, but Joshua didn't really have anyone to actually say so at the moment...

Perhaps if he was at home he'd look at his little Aane and she'd look at him, and he'd for some reason feel her disapproval for making the faces that he probably kept making while he formulated plans and imagined dumb things like right now. She was one of the people… or snakes that was able to somehow keep Joshua's head from flying away in dreamland.

It was sad, for the only person to keep him on his toes to not be a person at all, but a pet he has kept for 15 years of his life, that granted, knew him like a glove.

Talking about that… perhaps he should try to get over with making the base system to wake up quickly, he had to feed Aane, and he couldn't do that if he was still here.

Let's see, a system like the ones on the RPGs… well first of all, everyone should have a status window.

"System, create a window to allow each individual user to check their status"

** Instructions unclear, define "status", define "Window" **

What the heck system, do you not know what a status is?... well, I suppose that makes sense after all the system shouldn't know about video games… how to explain this? what a headache

"A window should be a screen of sorts to show information, make it a square that only the user can see. As for the status, it should contain a person's physical qualities in numeric form, like their reflexes, stamina, strength, intelligence, and that sort of thing"




Reflexes: Error!

Stamina: Error!

Strength: Error!

Intelligence: Error!


That's quite bare-bones, isn't it? Hmm, what else is missing, let's add agility and an overall level, I suppose the personal information of the person should also be needed, right? name and age would be good to have, a class? Perhaps. Those without class should be called classless or null or void… I'll go with classless, then maybe separate those into 2 sections, and what is up with those errors? hmm let's make it so that 10 points in stats is the human average… the average exactly right now when I'm making the system, I don't want stats to change because the human average changes, that should fix it, hopefully.

Oh! Right the skills tab should be there too I guess, even though there aren't any skills yet, hmmm… I suppose I do know how to write fast, let's make that into a skill, I suppose? Just to test it out, it should be level 1 from 5 levels, I have no idea how to improve it later but, let's just put that in there.

There also should be a Mana counter showing how much Mana you're able to use… I guess we humans can't use Mana, but… let's make it into an ability… how do I make it into an ability though?... let's just have the system analyze how much Mana the brain is able to manipulate and change the brain a little bit, so Mana can be unlocked…

"I'll just call it Mana Usage and make it the level 1" said Joshua.

This ability should change the brain towards a better capacity to use and manipulate Mana and set the system so that people earn it automatically at level 2… that should be it I suppose, or am I forgetting something?... oh right! Let's make a class specifically for me! ideally, classes should have perks and abilities specific to them but… let's just make it so my class gives me absolute control of the system (even though I already have it) and … I suppose that should be it



Name: Joshua Drummings


Class: Architect of this Brave New World! (name change pending)

Lvl: 1



Agility: 7

Stamina: 7

Strength: 5

Intelligence: 11



Fast Writing Lvl 1

Mana Usage Lvl 1

Joshua sighed and looked at what he had done… he was proud, he was happy, he was content… he was a fucking nerd wasn't he?