Chapter 13

"Miss Baxter?" Mrs. Sheppard called across the crowded classroom. "Did you hear me, Miss Baxter?"

Today was already shaping up to be one of those days for the twelfth-grade instructor. Lisa Morgan, a pretentious little twit who was in Mrs. Sheppard's first-period class, decided that a phone call was more important than doing her class assignment. Mrs. Sheppard detested teenagers and would have had fewer problems teaching English as a second language to grizzly bears, she often relayed to her husband over dinner too many times to count.

Mrs. Sheppard sighed as she looked down at her desk calendar. The large bold print read September 3rd. "Seven weeks down," she said under her breath as she pushed away from her desk, "and my sanity to go." She walked from the front of the room to the desks in the rear of the room where Cianne sat.

"Miss Baxter, can you answer the question?" Mrs. Sheppard asked again.