Chapter 29

"STOP!" Cianne yelled. She tried to move forward but Brian held her back.

Tristan took a step back, steering clear of the first blow and ducking the second. When he saw an opening, he threw a right punch that connected with Nick's jaw. The blow almost knocked Nick off his feet.

Cianne yelled stop again when she realized that Nick had been stunned by the blow. She had a small window of opportunity to stop this madness. While Nick struggled to steady himself, Cianne pushed Brian's arm away and jumped in front of Tristan.

Tristan never took his eyes off Nick as he quickly moved Cianne behind him. At the same time a large man who was eating a few tables away, jumped up and grabbed Nick. This wasn't hard to do because Nick seemed to be still trying to find his bearings. Another man, who was much smaller than the one who had grabbed Nick, stepped into the empty space in front of her and Tristan. He looked prepared to hold Tristan if he tried to get to Nick.