Chapter 36

Tristan hadn't heard his phone ring. The only thing his mind registered was the blood coming from Cianne's nose and how he desperately wanted to stop it. Nothing else around him existed; he heard nothing, saw nothing, except the crimson fluid that sat stark against the white tissue.

"Tristan, answer your phone."

Cianne saying his name broke through to Tristan like an intense light slicing through the darkness. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again all the sounds and sights around him came flooding back at once. His breathing was steady but his heart raced as if he ran a hundred-meter dash.

He watched Cianne's face to anchor him as she peered at his pocket where his cell phone was tucked away. Annoyed that it was even ringing, Tristan took the phone from his pocket and answered it as he picked up another tissue and wiped her nose to make sure the blood had really stopped.