Chapter 39: A Look Back, Part 2

Fairfield Elementary, Ten years earlier, School Field trip day

"Zaria?" Mrs. Shuster kneeled and shook Zaria to get her full attention.

Zaria blankly looked at her teacher, wondering what the other kids had told her about what they had seen. She knew it must have been bad because of the looks on their faces. "What on earth has gotten into you, young lady? Why did you run off like that?"

Zaria said nothing. She was scared and felt totally alone since the boy had left her. She felt deep inside that he shouldn't have left, but she didn't know why.

Mrs. Shuster shook her head as if agitated then stood facing all the other adults that stood around them. "My aide said that she forgot to take the kids to see the tigers," she explained. "Zaria probably wanted to see them before we left." Mrs. Shuster took Zaria firmly by the hand. "Thank you all for helping me to locate her."