"Only eight minutes late," Cianne said to Tristan in the vacant hallway just outside of the school office. She gasped as he pulled her toward him and kissed her. She frowned at public displays of affection, especially in school, but things were a little different now.
Before letting go of her completely, Tristan gave her a quick kiss on the cheek then winked at her before jogging away in the opposite direction.
Cianne sighed as she watched him disappear around a corner. She had only two minutes before the bell would signal the end of homeroom. She should have gone straight to her first class, and she would have but she wanted to see Tranae first.
As soon as Cianne opened her homeroom door she felt everyone's eyes on her. The entire class turned to watch her as she placed the late slip on her homeroom teacher's desk then walked to her seat. When she sat down the whispers began.
Cianne gave Tranae the most hateful look she could muster.