Chapter 58: Silence, Part 1

Cianne stared through her windshield at one of four large brick three-story buildings that made up the office park. She was parked in front of the building where her appointment was scheduled. She sat in the same spot since eight o'clock this morning. According to her phone, it was currently three p.m.

The receptionist at the Women's Health and Family Planning Center had given her an appointment for eight-thirty this morning. Cianne missed that appointment. Not because she was running late like she told the receptionist when she phoned from the parking lot.

She missed the appointment because she couldn't bring herself to actually do what she drove forty miles to do. Talk of college had come up four times during her phone conversations with Tristan since Friday morning. Cianne tried her best to sound upbeat when she told him that she loved the idea of moving in together after she thought it over of course.