Chapter 61: Losing My Mind, Part 1

As Tristan pulled his truck next to the mailbox in front of Baxter's residence, he felt the house didn't look as busy as it should. A single police cruiser sat in the driveway next to Mr. Baxter's vehicle. Another police car, unmarked, was parked on the street in front of where Tristan had pulled in.

It didn't escape him that Cianne's car was nowhere in sight.

Tristan hoped that she would be here, in her bed sleeping, when he arrived. That his constant uneasy feeling was just an overreaction from her not returning his numerous calls. The worst, he hoped, was that she was a little sicker than she thought. That maybe she had to return to the hospital.

Even with all the hope, the truth was that he somehow knew she wouldn't be here when he arrived. He also knew without a doubt that wherever she was, she was scared.

*I feel it.*

Brian opened the door as the truck came to a full stop. "I'm going to check on Tranae," Brian said as he got out of the truck then shut the door.