
Chapter 2: Forbearance

The demon scoffed. "Your soul is cursed, witch. I have no use for it."

"But you want something else."

Demons were always wanting. Sin was usually about wanting or not wanting and these matters were the very essence of these deals. The demon she summoned was a minor demon and didn’t have enough power to terrify her. She could kill him if he tried anything.

"I want information," he replied. "And what would you like?"

"Money, IDs, everything to help me with a new start here."

She could’ve also asked for a private island but she wanted to keep the cost of the deal minimal. She didn’t want to have to give more than she wanted. She’d seen many deals go wrong too many times. Trusting a demon to be fair was impossible.

"That’s easy. What name would you like?"

"Callie Du (...)" She couldn’t use her family name. She had to pick something else. "Durant. Callie Durant."

His eyes flashed black, his glamour flickering away. She got a glimpse of a big eyeball before it was back to that handsome face. A black leather satchel appeared out of thin air in his hand and he threw it at her. She opened the bag and looked inside, finding IDs and a bank book listed under Callie Durant.


She looked up at him and nodded. "What information do you want?"

"Just one thing (-) who killed Lilith?"

They had noticed her demon mother’s death sooner than she thought. Maybe Azazel told him or somebody found the body in the throne room. The Lords would be clamoring for control. Hell would be in pure chaos and she was glad to not have to witness it.

"Why does it matter who killed her?"

"Because nobody has succeeded before," he answered. "It would take somebody very powerful like an archangel (...) or somebody she trusted."

She swallowed and reached behind her for the knife she dropped. "Will the Lords want revenge for her murder?"

"If anything they might send them a thank you gift."

"And you?"

"They would reward who names the Bitch of Hell's killer."

"I see."

She grasped the handle of the knife and braced herself. He could be lying and wanted to kill her for murdering his queen. She didn’t believe everyone was rejoicing Lilith’s death. There was one person that would’ve definitely be furious about the murder.

"We made a deal, witch," he said. "Who killed Lilith?"

"I did."

He didn’t lunge at her. Instead, he smiled. "Just as I thought."

She didn’t let go of the knife. She was naked and on her knees in a crumbling mansion. Fighting for her life in her depleted state against a minor demon wasn’t going to be pleasant.

"You surprised us. No one thought you had it in you," he said. "I have to get back before Azazel gets snippy. Enjoy your new life, Callie Durant."

The flames around the circle went out as he disappeared. The sigils burned black into the wood. She realized with terrible dread that telling the demon the truth would come to hurt her eventually. She should’ve asked for that private island after all.

How did she get close to a paranoid, self-centered, callous asshole of a father? Callie couldn’t go near him no matter what she tried. His house had enough anti-demon wards she couldn’t get on to the property without being violently ill. He never went in public and her options were limited.

She couldn’t get a job that would put her closer to him as she had no references. Even a demon deal couldn’t get past magical screenings. She couldn’t get to him at his home or at his work. She had to look at the people closest to him.

Head Warlock Gabriel Castillo was the most powerful man in the magical world. Her father was only second to him and she knew it must irk him. She listened to enough talk from people over the past few weeks to know that her father was vying for the Head Warlock position. Her father was usually seen by Head Warlock Castillo’s side and was probably waiting for his opportunity to stab him in the back.

If she could get close to Castillo, she could get close to her father. Getting a job for the Head Warlock was even more difficult but her luck was finally turning when she learned he had a son. His eldest son was a year older than her and was currently attending the magic school Shipton Academy. She had her in.

Shipton Academy was located in the town of Sheffeld in Massachusetts bordering on the Washington National Forest. It was a large building that used to be a hotel with sprawling grounds and a lake. The rest of the town might as well be in another state. She had to be picked up by the groundskeeper in a car as no other vehicles would drive on the isolated road.

She arrived after dinner was over and all the students were in bed. The groundskeeper led her to the Headmistress’ office where she met Elena Arguello-Castillo. Her cover story of being homeschooled in England by her parents didn’t raise too much concern. Homeschooling for magical education was less common these days but not unheard of.

There were a few professors with them to test her magical aptitude. It would determine if she was allowed to be in the same year as people her age or she would need to be with people younger than her to catch up. She had been educated in magic by her father until she was ten. Everything after that she learned from a wide selection of demons. She probably knew magic none of them would ever dare touch.

"It will be a simple test of your skills," Headmistress Castillo said, placing a candle stick on a holder on the table. "Summon the candle to you and light it."

She could’ve levitated everyone in this room and lit them on fire but she had a feeling that wouldn’t have gone well. The candle stick practically flew down the table and she caught it deftly. She raised the wick to her lips and blew on it until a flame flickered. The professors seemed pleased.

There were a few more tests that determined what her strengths and weaknesses were so they could suggest what subjects she should take. She arrived a week later than everyone else so they had to check class availability and make sure she would have enough credits for the year. She was exhausted and irritated by the time they penned down a class schedule for her.

"Welcome to Shipton." The Headmistress handed her a school handbook. "All of the school’s rules and regulations are listed there, as well as punishments for breaking any of them."

Callie looked up at her and kept her face blank. She was definitely going to be breaking a lot of rules while she attended that school. She wondered if the Headmistress had truth-sense. There were a few powerful witches and warlocks who had the ability.

There was a knock at the door and a tall boy around her age entered. He was introduced as her son, the Head Boy. He was taking over the Head Girl’s duties along with his as she was apparently ill. Callie took a good look at the reason for her being at that school.

Nicholas Castillo was very handsome. A pretty face was a welcome change from the monstrosities she had been surrounded with. He was tall, dark-haired, with bronzed skin. He looked closer to what people thought angels should look like.

She smiled. "It's nice to meet you."

He returned the smile, polite and charming. "It's nice to meet you too."

He led them out of the Headmistress's office completely unaware of what she had planned for him and his blissfully ordinary life. She almost envied his ignorance. Almost. She had her work cut out for her.