
Chapter 29: Advent

Callie had two days to prepare for the Winter Ball. She booked a hotel in Rhode Island that allowed pets and memorized the address to the Castillo home. All her belongings were packed up in a suitcase and where she went after the ball was a mystery to her. She had only ever imagined the before and the Ball but never beyond that.

Getting this close had been long and arduous just for her one opportunity. The night before the Ball she tried to sleep but found herself thinking about everything that had led to this. People were dead because of her. She had left a trail of misery in her wake and she promised herself that once she got to her father it would be all over.

She would disappear and it would be like she never existed. Nicholas, Aubrey, Nadia, Matthias, and Enoch would all forget her and move on with their lives. She hadn’t left any real impact. She was a passerby in their individual stories and one day they wouldn’t even remember her name.