I walk into my room to find a girl laying in my bed "uhh who are you?" I asked then she rose up and turned around "I Selina Tigra, the jade princess from The Tigra empire, part of the royal family." She said as she stuck out her hand, then Lara came in and seen this. She walked up to me elbowed me "your supposed to kiss her there." She whispered in my ear, I took her hand then pulled her close and kissed her on her lips. Then Lara smacked her forehead. "I meant her hand you idiot." She said then I opened my eyes and looked at her and backed away and kneeled down. "I'M EXTREMELY SORRY ITS MY FAULT FOR BEING IDIOTIC! I WILL EXCEPT ANY TYPE OF PUNISHMENT!" I screamed nervously then Selina walked up and lifted my head then got closer and smiled. I got up and ran out the door and down to the principals office.

I walk in to see the principal is being held at gun point by a masked woman, I shift and I was getting ready to attack, then she loaded her gun. "Get in here and close the door." The masked woman said and I followed her orders. She took off her mask and she had light blue hair purple lipstick on and had purple eyes. Then she told me to come here and I did, "your cute I will allow you to be my pet." She said while smirking then the girls busted in and dove at the woman then she stabbed me with a syringe and shot Sarah in the shoulder she took me and dove out the window and flew away. Lara shifted and tried to fly after her. The woman stopped flying turned around and blew Lara's fire out causing her powers to weaken and fell down to the ground. "That woman was the leader of the shifter terrorist group called the dark shifters and we just let her get away with one of our most powerful students and took him god knows where." Sarah said to the other girls as the nurse was wrapping her arm up.

I wake up and I'm in a bed, I look around the room while being still. I roll over and the woman was here I get up slowly and realize I'm in nothing but my shirt and boxers. I put on my pants and shoes and step to the door as I'm getting ready to open she grabs my shoulder. "What do you want with me, and why am I here." I asked then she smirked "you are my pet nobody will touch my pet." She said then she put on her clothes. Then I step through the door only to see a huge room. "This is my castle, I'm Lestra Galient this is the main castle of this empire known as the Galient empire." She said then I shifted and jumped over the railing and run out the door. Two guards shot arrows at me I jumped up and grabbed the arrows and landed on the wall. I stabbed them with the arrows and jumped over the wall and ran as hard as I could. I ended up in the center of the Galient empire, I bought an apple and kept on moving. Meanwhile "WHERE THE HELL IS MY BROTHER!" Luke yelled at the principal "sir please calm down, we were informed that he has been taken to the empire of Galient. So he should be with Lestra Galient but right now the Tigra and Galient are enemies also they are practicing magic over there." Sarah explained to him Luke shifted and ran to the Galient. I ended up at the market where I see a bunch of stands lining the streets. I walk down just pass the weapon stand and see a black building. I was standing there second guessing myself, if I should go in or not. I walk in and close the door behind me and turn to see books lining the wall but there is one behind the desk in a glass case with symbols carved into the glass. The glass was crystal clear, I look at the sign it said 'Magic and spells'.