Chapter 13

You decided to save the eagle. You crouch down and give the hens to the eagle. It quickly snaps it away from your hand with its beak and happily munches away. You stand up and before you leave, the eagle looks at you and lets out joyous cries to acknowledge your kindness. It warms you that you help out something in need. You eat something else to quench your hunger before continuing your journey. After several days of traveling, besieged by cold on all sides, you arrive in a valley where the Blessen River is met by a waterfall. You deduce that the mountains surrounding the valley are Psilus Mountain. To trace the origin of the battle between Grand Master Knight Gennous and the demon, you need to follow the river upstream and in this case, to climb the cliff adjacent to the waterfall. Obviously you can't ride a mule up a cliff, you have to dismount and make the climb yourself.